What was the best dog you've had?

   / What was the best dog you've had? #91  
I had a Jack Russell well before they became popular. Very energetic and life of the party dog when we had guests. 👍
   / What was the best dog you've had? #92  
Our Brittany we have now Lucy ..


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   / What was the best dog you've had? #93  
I had a Jack Russell well before they became popular. Very energetic and life of the party dog when we had guests.
Our late jack Russell was a grade A level 12 knuckle head

He reminded me of a ninja swinging a set of nun chucks when he would get a hold of a snake. Thats how he got the nickname "Jacki Chan". He would jump in, snag the snake in the middle and start swinging it beating the head and tail into the ground. Toss the snake, hop around it, and repeat steps 1 and 2 till the snake didn't move anymore.

Great mouser, couldn't keep him in the yard though. I thought I had him locked in till my neighbors wife cornered me one weekend asking "Do you know what that little a## hole is doing????"

He would give it about 20 minutes after my wife left for work. Then he would climb the fence to get out. Go hang with my neighbor and his wife for the day. Then escort my neighbors wife over to our gate to let him back in the yard 30 minutes before I got home from work

If he didn't like someone, he would poop in their shoes No shoes??? No problem. He would drop a turd with pin point accuracy in the exact spot the person places their feet when getting out of bed

Never did it to me or my wife. But he had it in for our middle son and couple of his friends. And my mother in law He might have gotten extra treats for the mother in law
   / What was the best dog you've had? #94  
Tibetan spaniels, are they those small dogs lots of hair? I think my neighbor's have one. The story goes, as told to me was the Tibetan spaniels were used as alarms that would wake up the Tibetan Mastiffs. The Mastiffs doing the actual work of discouraging unwanted occupation. Two Tibetan dogs on both ends of the size/weight scale.
Have you heard how the spaniels got from Spain to Tibet?
   / What was the best dog you've had? #97  
The best dog has been an Australian shepherd. Super smart, I mean smarter than a lot of humans I know. He goes with me everywhere on the Ranch checking things out. A frisbee is never far from him. The second best dog was my brothers dog that I took over when he passed away. It was a pit bull. At first I was skeptable, but honestly, it was a great dog. Super loyal and just a fun dog to have around.


   / What was the best dog you've had? #98  
Our farrier has an Australian shepherd, same thing he said, loyal, always with him.
The neighbor had a Border Collie "Digger". They're very intelligent. One day I was picking up sticks in yard. I said "Digger, want to help me?". He picked them up taking them to a burn pile. I was amazed.
Day before he passed he came over for a last visit, wife & I on mowers. I shut mine off, motioned wife turn hers off. Digger saw me then I said "want to see wife?". He ran over to her. How did he know what I was saying?
   / What was the best dog you've had? #99  
Our greyhound sleeps in the house and when he wants to get out during the middle of the night he will come up to my side of the bed and whine to wake me up. If I don't feel like getting up to let him out at that time, I just tell him "go tell grammy".

Then he will run around the bed to the other side and whine at her to let him out. Heh, heh, heh.