What was the sexiest tractor ever built?

   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #141  
I'll vote for those. When I was tractor shopping I looked at a couple of 1720s but they wanted nearly as much as I paid for my bigger, 2 YO Kubota.

We had one of those, but I think it was a 7730???

It was a nice tractor. We farmed a hill that was so steep that when we hayed it, we were afraid we would spin out on a cow turd and go backwards down over the hill with baler and wagon!

A few years later we turned that field into corn and I ended up plowing it with that 7730 (I think), and I was pulling a 7 bottom plow, uphill, and in the rain. A very capable tractor.
   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #142  
IMO...anybody that thinks tractors are sexy in any form of the word needs their heads examined...The only word I can think of that combines tractors and sex is KINKY... and as far as I am concerned KINKY is the difference between a feather and live chicken...if you know what I mean...!

Or they just have a really good marriage. :cool2:

But the way the world is today, I do not think it is so wrong, nor abnormal for woman to be attracted to men who dress like real men, and operate heavy equipment. Myself, I am glad. I like being me...I like being the farmer that I am, and the farmer that I have always been. The fact that my wife finds me attractive while driving my tractor, bulldozer, skidder or other equipment is honestly, downright GREAT!

I do not think she is kinky or odd at all. I am glad that she still finds me attractive, even at 46 years old, and that is only going to keep our marriage strong. That is good for my children, and when they have children...their children. Family is the backbone of contentment.

When I am 90 years old, laying on my deathbed, I am not going to look back at her and think she was kinky, or even badly of her, because she found her husband attractive because he drove his tractors: I am going to be as grateful then, as I am now.

My wife loves me for who I am. That SHOULD turn a wife on, and how much better a world it would be if that happened more often.
   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #143  
   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #144  
   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #146  

Just a few miles north of us is SW Michigan. Huge fruit producing area with lots of orchards and vineyards. Tractors like that used to be very, very common, of all makes. Not so much anymore. Too bad, as they remind me of the streamlining movement that started in the 1930's.

That's when machinery started getting that sexy look.

streamlining movement designers art deco - Google Search

streamlining movement designers art deco - Google Search
   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #147  
Or they just have a really good marriage....

Are you insinuating that tractors engage in wedlock ? :laughing:

FYI the topic is sexy tractors...it has nothing at all to do with owner/operators...
   / What was the sexiest tractor ever built? #148  
This little guy should be considered small cat.png