There is no real good reason to match cranking amps. It's just a measure of how long the battery will crank a motor before going flat. Anything that fits your battery box will have enough cranking amps, and more. More doesn't hurt. Cranking amps is mostly a function of the physical size and weight of the battery anyway. If two batteries are the same size and you want the better one, choose the heavier.
All of the batteries that fit the box will be 12 volt types, and that is what you want.
Any 12 volt car battery that will crank a small car is more than adequate for your 32 hp tractor. See if the automotive shop has one to fit a small Datsum 510 or old style VW. That's a start.
Basically you want to match physical dimensions so that it will fit in the box, and battery terminal configuration so that the battery cables will fit. But the reality is that most old gray market tractors need replacement cables, or cable ends - and few have the original battery. Someone may have already changed yours. So you would have had to do all this fairly soon anyway.
I'd start with a standard small Group 24 battery. See if that will fit into your battery box. If it fits, consider upgrading to the same battery in an AGM sealed type type Group 24 battery so that it won't spit acid and fumes at your tractor. An Interstate brand small 12 volt AGM is a good medium priced battery that will last a decade or two.
If your battery hold-downs are shot and you ugraded to an AGM type sealed battery you can use nylon belting or even elastic bungy cords to hold it in.
Now look to see if your battery cables will reach the battery terminals. The plus and neg. terminals are different sizes! But you can buy batteries in every terminal configuration you can imagine..... as well as the reverse (which has positive where the negative terminal is and vice versa) of every configuration.
Don't overthink this. Just get a 12 volt AGM type that fits the box and the cables.