Craftsman LT2000 4.80 star(s) (4)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Craftsman LT2000.
Lawn & Garden Tractors

About the Craftsman LT2000

Craftsman LT2000 Discussions (2)

Here are the most recent LT2000 topics from our community.
  1. F

    Which to keep? Craftsman DYT4000 or Craftsman LT2000

    I have both of these and need to sell one. The goal is to make a profit on one, and use the other at another small property. Which is better? How are these engines? DYT4000: Briggs Intek 18.5...
  2. K

    My Craftsman lt2000 has a gear shift problem.

    When i push the clutch peddle in, the clutch does not disengage and my mower jumps into gear and goes. The brakes on the same peddle do work though. Did something come apart?
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User Reviews (4)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Craftsman LT2000 Subcompact Tractor
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4.00 star(s)

LT2000 Craftsman
Good Little Yard Tractor
Model Year: 2006

My Craftsman lawn tractor has served me for 8 trouble-free years.

Pros: Reliable.
Cons: None.

5.00 star(s)

LT2000 Craftsman
Second One
Model Year: 2013

My dad purchased his in 2004 and at that time was mowing 10 lawns, all I different sizes. I, myself, had use all kinds of commercial mowers: Toro Grounds master, zero machine, Grasshoppers and such work for a city and I found when you took the time to do maintenance, the machines would last many years without problems as long. As far as my dad machine, it's still running strong and that's why I purchased one for myself.

Pros: It's a good machine for the price, mows a great lawn.
Cons: It was never meant to do large commercial areas, get one for the job.

5.00 star(s)

LT2000 Craftsman
2 Craftsman
Model Year: 0

This is my second Craftsman. They are a good machine for the money. My dad had the first, which he took very good care and just purchased the second one and maintain it all the time which means every time I operate it, service it. Yes, you have to replace parts, but when you take the time make machine last long time. I have run mowing-operated mowing equipment since I was 10 yrs. and worked for a city operated all types equipment. Enjoy you machine.

Pros: Good machine for the money.
Cons: It was never meant for commercial type areas.

5.00 star(s)

LT2000 Craftsman
Craftsman LT2000
Model Year: 2004

Still works good, even with slight current leak that can discharge battery.

Pros: Reliable.
Cons: Current leak.

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Craftsman LT2000 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Craftsman LT2000s

Craftsman LT2000 Community Rankings

#95 user rating of 2962 Lawn & Garden Tractors items
#217 Viewed of 2962 Lawn & Garden Tractors items
#231 discussed of 2962 Lawn & Garden Tractors items
#638 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1255 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#1401 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall