Century 3035 5.00 star(s) (2)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Century 3035.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Century 3035

Century 3035 Discussions (24)

Here are the most recent 3035 topics from our community.
  1. M

    New Century 3035 received today!!

    Received my 3035 today!!! Already put 3 hours on the meter bush hogging and using the FEL to move some big rocks and moving some dirt.
  2. M

    Century 3035 won't start

    I need the TBN brain trusts help to diagnose my tractors problem. :thumbsup: I Parked the tractor to refuel. After refueling the tractor won't start. Engine cranks and turns over, no smoke...
  3. J

    Century 3035 - New owner in Virginia

    I just purchased a slightly used Century 3035, C50 loader with 250hrs. My first tractor since on the farm with Ferguson 30, Farmal H as a kid. It has the Branson underpinnings per the dealer. It...
  4. C

    Century 3035 / Branson 3520 Side Panels

    I am looking for the side panels for a Century 3035 or Branson 3520, apparently Branson has discontinued making these. Does anyone know of a Century/Branson graveyard or know of where I might...
  5. L

    Century 3035 will not start

    My dealer is a 300 mile round trip...so I am attempting to sort out why my tractor will not start. Several times lately the tractor would not start, I would go back later and it would start and...
  6. MossRoad

    Century 3035 Owner has R4s-Wants R1s-HELP

    A friend of mine has a Century 3035 with R4 tires on the rear that he hates. They are 17.5L - 24. He cannot find anything in R1 in that size. Does anyone know of any R1s in that size or can anyone...
  7. C

    Century 3035 / Branson 3520 PTO will not shift into either 540 or 1000 RPM

    I am having an issue getting my PTO to shift into gear. In fact I broke the arm (PTO Rod) that goes between the shift lever and the actuator trying to get it to shift. After the arm broke the...
  8. M

    Price Check Century 3035 w/C50 FEL Price Quote

    Just returned from looking at tractors. We went to the Century dealer and the Massey Dealer. Got a quote of $16,800 for a 3035 with a C50 FEL. Does this sound a little high? In comparison...
  9. C

    Century 3035 Electrical Issue

    My 3035 will not start, I shut it down to adjust the Forward / Reverse Lever as it didn't always go into forward properly. I made the adjustment and went to start it and I had nothing when I...
  10. D

    Buying Advice century 3035

    first off hello this is my first post. Going saturday to look at a century 3035 with 500 hours on it. The tractor comes with a loader,backhoe,logsplitter, posthole digger and brushhog. All that...
  11. M

    Century 3035 FWA not engaging....

    I noticed last night that it seemed the Front Wheel Assist on my Century 3035 didn't seem to be working. After several attempts at engaging the FWA after going forward and backward to remove...
  12. A

    Branson 3520 / Century 3035 Rotary Cutter

    OK, it's time to buy a rotary cutter. My dealer kind of waffled on whether a five or six foot unit is appropriate for my Branson 2035. I want to go with the six footer, but thought I'd ask...
  13. MossRoad

    Century 3035 Pallet Forks Needed

    I have a friend that has a Century 3035 C-system 50 FEL. He is looking for pallet forks, part #532974920745. They are 43.5" long. It uses the Century quick attach system and they are 33.5" apart...
  14. D

    Century 3035 Shuttle Shift Linkage

    Howdy! I recently purchased a new Century 3035 with a c-50 FEL. So far I have 15 hours on it and am very pleased. I have one minor issue with the shuttle shift linkage. It is very difficult to...
  15. D

    Industrial Tires/Wheels For Century 3035

    Hi All...I am the happy owner of a 2004 Century 3035. I presently have ag tires all around. I would like to change these to industrial style tires. Does anyone have any recommendations for...
  16. G

    Century 3035 electric fuel pump

    Hello every one, I have a 3035 Century with about 800 hours on it and the electric fuel pump has quit. The dealer I bought it new at has a new pump on hand, but his price is 170.00. I can get...
  17. P

    Comparison )Century 3035 Hydraulic Steering Hoses/ Replacment

    Hello All, Really needing some help. Currently my Century 3035 is layed up out of comission, with busted / blown out power steeing Hyd Hose, One of the hoses under the steering wheel column...
  18. M

    Tires Century 3035 Tires

    I need to replace my rear R1's and am having trouble locating the appropriate sized tires. My tractor currently has Woosung 12.4-28's on the rear. This is an 8 Ply (PR) bias tire. Other numbers...
  19. hillslider

    Need help on Century 3035

    Just need some help. Neighbor has a Century 3035 and has had it for about 2 years and has managed to put 135 hours on her. He has had no problems. Today he is out mowing with it and noticed...
  20. C

    Century 3035 Steering Fluid

    I have a Century 3035, the same one that I just had the PTO issue with. After getting it going, I was brush cutting when a steering hose popped apart at the crimp. After a couple of weeks of...
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User Reviews (2)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Century 3035 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

3035 Century
Century 3035
Model Year: 2003

This has been a great tractor. They are now branded Branson & I would buy it again.

Pros: Heavy duty.
Cons: None.

5.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

3035 Century
Century Tractors Are Dependable
Model Year: 2004

I have the model 3035 with front loader and backhoe. It still uses the original battery and it starts every time. It has had no major problems. There have been some that were very minor and easily repairable. Fan tips shattered when something got caught, however, the broken unit still cools just fine. It is the best investment I have ever made.

Pros: Heavy duty and bulletproof
Cons: Seats don't hold up very well

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Century 3035 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Century 3035s

Century 3035 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#537 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#226 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1630 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#518 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall