Century CENTURY2535 4.80 star(s) (4)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Century CENTURY2535.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Century CENTURY2535

Century CENTURY2535 Discussions (43)

Here are the most recent CENTURY2535 topics from our community.
  1. W

    new to me 03 century 2535

    Hello All, I just picked up this tractor a few weeks ago for $4,000. parked it and have since been going through it. I was shocked to see a century brand hydraulic filter still on it! I have been...
  2. H

    Century 2535 - need a new head

    Tore it apart today to replace the head gasket and there are 4 cracks in the head. Anyone know of a source for a new head?
  3. EddieWalker

    Century 2535 dead, nothing, nada

    My 2003 Centruy 2535 has always been super dependable. It's always started quickly and easily. I was pulling a sprayer on a very warm day for a couple hours, then refilled and sprayed another...
  4. T

    Century 2535 Opinions and used purchase prices?

    Hello, I just found a Century 2535 4x4 with a C50 loader and 166 hours. It is for sale locally only a few miles away. The owner said that he is the original owner since it was new in 2004, and...
  5. S

    Century 2535

    I have several questions to begin with. How much should I expect to pay for a C50 front end loader with 72" bucket? Also is a 72" bucket to wide for the 2535? I have a quote for the new tractor...
  6. DonWannaBother

    Parts Diagram and/or Owners Manual for Century 2535 (made by Kukje) tractor

    I've searched the web on and off for years. Best I found is a Branson 25-Series Owners manual, which is similar, but not the same. If anyone has a PDF, or knows a site where I can find...
  7. S

    Century 2535/Foskett equip.

    I finally had the time to stop by Foskett's and see the century line of tractors. I been looking at the big three for the last couple of months. I was very impressed! "They seem to be the deal of...
  8. T

    Price Check Century 2535 Price Check

    I'd first like to say, this is a great site. I have been following these links since I start to look for a tractor more than a year ago. Needless to say, I am still looking. I was wondering...
  9. H

    century 2535 steering problem

    hi in need of some advice my new to me century runs good and has impressed me everyday i have been working on my driveway with a box blade day one went fine day two after about 2hrs of work using...
  10. L

    Century 2535 Electrical Problem

    First Does anyone have the electrical wiring diagram for the Century 2535 Tractor, I guess it is a 2004 model, that can be Emailed or mailed to me. My local Century dealer is no help. Problem...
  11. A

    Oil & Fuel century 2535 oil filter

    Thought this might be helpful to someone. Got a crossover to mobil one & took it to advanced auto. They were able to cross that to a fram ph3593a.
  12. Dreamin_Tractors

    Century 2535 Question

    Does anyone have any buying experiences with Rivera's Machinery in Texas? I am looking at the Century 2535 with C-50 Loader and Backhoe, they have great prices and are very responsive and...
  13. H

    Century 2535 parts

    I am looking for a right side front rim. Anyone know where I can get one, how much or if another brand would be capable?
  14. H

    Oil & Fuel Century 2535 fuel leak

    I have a fuel leak on my tractor. It only leakes when it is running. I have looked, but can not figure out where it is coming from. It doesn't appear to be the line. Any thoughts, suggestions?
  15. M

    Century 2535 radiator explosion

    My son was driving the neighbor's tractor for about 30 mins. When there was a explosion under the hood. The top part of the radiator blew off. I discovered that the screen was blocked solid. The...
  16. T

    Century 2535

    I have a Century 2535 with about 200 hrs. Yesterday when I began to bushhog I notice oil streaming out from under the tractor. I immediately shut it off to look for the source. I discovered a...
  17. H

    Backhoe Century 2535 Backhoe

    Howdy All! My neighbor has a Century 2535 and would like to add a backhoe, any of you fellar's know where to get one? Any recommendations. He lives in Kansas and would have it shipped. Thanks...
  18. EddieWalker

    Century 2535 front tire size?

    A dozen years ago, maybe more, I brought my front tire into the shop to get a flat fixed and they suggested foaming them. I liked that idea, so I brought both tires in. They put brand new tires...
  19. M

    Price Check Century 2535 2002/2003

    I have a tractor made under the name Century, now I believe it is marketed under the name Branson. It has been pretty much babied and has C-systen hydraulics, a bucket, snowblower and a blade to...
  20. W

    Century 2535 PTO Clutch

    My Century tractor PTO is beginning to have problems of slippage/severe chatter when under load while mowing or roto-tilling. I am having problems finding a schematic or manual describing the...
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User Reviews (4)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Century CENTURY2535 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

CENTURY2535 Century
Century 2535
Model Year: 2003

This machine was used predominantly for snow blowing etc. a long drive and for small things like fencing, moving hay. It is a wonderful reliable easy to maintain tractor. All I had to do was replace some of the rubber hydraulic piping ( we are cold,sunny and dry in the high mountains which contributes to rubber degradation after a while) and change the oil and filter every year. Otherwise no issues at all. It is now for sale ( $12k w/ all the toys) since I bought a honking great Zetor with a Cab at a bargain price from a bankruptcy, otherwise I would continue to be happy with this machine

Pros: See the text.
Cons: None other than mentioned in text.

5.00 star(s)

CENTURY2535 Century
Century 2535
Model Year: 2005

The only problem is that the hydraulic front lift is weak.

Pros: Great small tractor-a real heavy weight.
Cons: Sometimes too small for the job.

4.00 star(s)

CENTURY2535 Century
Century 2535
Model Year: 2004

The tractor has been a good value for me during the last 7 years. It still has the original battery and the only problem was with a defective fuel filter assembly that caused the tractor to shut down during use. It does not seem as heavy duty as my old Ford 1700, but it is more nimble and quick.

Pros: Reliable and economical.
Cons: Lighter construction.

5.00 star(s)

CENTURY2535 Century
Century 2535
Model Year: 0

All-in-all, it an excellent tractor. It has been a God-send to me as I have very steep property. The FEL also. I stay off the hills when it's wet or damp as it can get very slippery.

Pros: Its size, and runs economically. The hydraulics are very powerful.
Cons: That Kukeje has not stood behind this tractor its hard to parts, or manuals etc.

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Century CENTURY2535 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Century CENTURY2535s

Century CENTURY2535 Community Rankings

#234 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1710 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#149 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#638 user rating of 19624 items overall
#6487 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#328 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall