Ford-New Holland 1910 4.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ford-New Holland 1910.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Ford-New Holland 1910

Ford-New Holland 1910 Discussions (0)

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User Reviews (1)

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4.00 star(s)

1910 Ford-New Holland
Sweet Little Tractor That Can Run With The Big Boys
Model Year: 1985

Happened on this great economical tractor from a neighbors referral and have put it to good use. The best part is that it is a three cylinder diesel with plenty of punch. The 1910 came with a tractor supply post hole digger which I sorely needed. The experience of getting the screw stuck numerous times has been priceless. It did the job and keeps on tickin'. Mowing is a pleasure with my brush hog. I did modify the seat with an aftermarket suspension seat and my back thanks me for it. Easy to work on but parts are rare.

Pros: Reliability, economy, diesel or bio, no electronic BS.
Cons: Cost of parts.

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Ford-New Holland 1910 Owner Pages

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Ford-New Holland 1910 Community Rankings

#548 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#625 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#32 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1380 user rating of 27027 items overall
#1896 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#62 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall