Ford-New Holland 4835 4.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Ford-New Holland 4835.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Ford-New Holland 4835

Ford-New Holland 4835 Discussions (0)

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User Reviews (1)

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4.00 star(s)

4835 Ford-New Holland
The Only New Holland 4835 in America
Model Year: 1997

I have a 4835 New Holland---the only one in America. If I achieve anything on this review, it is to see if there is another 4835 New Holland in America. The tractor is a 65 hp 4WD 12 forward and reverse. It is very reliable, I use it daily, my main tractor on 50 acres. If I have any misgivings, it would be the hydraulics. they are way too slow. It may be me or some adjustment I haven't found yet, but they are molasses slow.

Pros: Open station is great, 4WD is good, everything works.
Cons: Hydraulics are stupid slow.

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Ford-New Holland 4835 Owner Pages

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Ford-New Holland 4835 Community Rankings

#548 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#402 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#32 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1380 user rating of 27027 items overall
#1212 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#62 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall