Kubota L2050 4.00 star(s) (3)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota L2050.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Kubota L2050

Kubota L2050 Discussions (16)

Here are the most recent L2050 topics from our community.
  1. V

    Buying Advice L2050 vs B7800 Advice

    I am considering these two machines, both used, for general landscaping, mowing and snow removal on 13 acres. I have a 900' driveway, and the terrain is rolling hills with some relatively steep...
  2. J

    Kabota l2050

    Put new battery and cables on my kabota l2050. It turns over but a small wire connected to the negative side of the battery gets extremely hot and starts to smoke and smolder. Any thoughts?
  3. D

    Kubota L2050 Wiring Harness

    I am interested in replacing the electrical wiring on my tractor. Any advice/recommendations on how to do this? Thanks
  4. D

    Kubota L2050 fuel in crank case

    My neighbor called me over to look at his Kubota this morning, looks like fuel and oil running out of crankcase ventilator tube, I pulled the dipstick and fuel and oil just came gushing out, the...
  5. D

    Tires L2050 R4 Tires? Newbie

    I am buying a L2050 and it has Ag tires. I would like to put R4's on it or get another set of rims and tires. Has anyone done this? Is there an online fitment guide? Will an R4 tire fit on an...
  6. J

    Kabota L2050 electrical problem. No power

    I have a small kabota L2050 tractor. Hasn't ran in 5 years. Did run when I parked it. Has a new battery and new battery cables. When I turn the key the lights come on and lights on the dash do...
  7. R

    Buying Advice JD 870 vs Kubota L2050 vs Mahindra 3505-DI

    I recently posted an info request re: a Kubota L2350 and a JD 750. The JD ending up selliing before I could get to it and the L2350 spooked me b/c of the turf tires. I am now looking at the 3...
  8. D

    KUBOTA L2050

    I went to the Kabota owners manual search and found LOTS of Kubota models....nothing for the L2050 compact tractor. Has anyone heard of this model, what years was it made and where can I get an...
  9. C

    Price Check L2050 Pricing and general Info request

    I'm looking to buy my first Kubota to be used for landscape contracting. I am considering a L2050 with 254 hrs a woods backhoe and a york rake for $13,500 from the ownwer of the nursey I frequent...
  10. D

    Price Check L2050 w/loader price range

    What is the approximate price range for an L2050 with a front end loader? Tractor has 425 hours on it. Pretty good condition. The tractor is 14 years old - 1990.
  11. K

    Bush-hog for L2050

    I bought a L2050 4wd in December, it has about 27 HP. Now I'm looking to buy a bushhog. Would a 5 ft. bushhog be too big for this tractor, if I'm cutting mostly tall thick grass? Thanks for your...
  12. 2

    Kubota L2050 Up for bid

    After midnight here in Ohio. Cold below zero but still looking for a deal. The parks dept. in Batesville Arkansas has a 1280 hour Kubota 4x4 listed at less than 2500 dollars with a day yet to go...
  13. glfrjerry

    L2050 Advice

    I am looking at a L2050 for mowing & bushhogging less than 5 acres. Most of the mowing is on flat ground and some of the woods I want to bush hog has a moderate slope. Has anyone had experience...
  14. K

    L2050 value

    This is my first post here, I'm sure it won't be my last. What is this tractor worth? 1990 Kubota L2050, 4wd, Bush Hog FEL, 5' scraper blade, 1100 hours. The sheet metal is good . The tractor...
  15. J

    L2350DT L2050 TIRES/RIMS.

    This auction might jelp someone determine what a spare set of tires/wheels is worth. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1920110442
  16. N

    L2050 FEL

    I am looking at a L2050. I would eventually like to add a FEL to it. I know it isn't 4wd so it won't be the best but I am hoping it should work. Any ideas on which model FEL would work. Is...
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User Reviews (3)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota L2050 Subcompact Tractor
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3.00 star(s)

L2050 Kubota
Kubota L2050
Model Year: 0

Picked up a used Kubota, in need of TLC, reasonably priced. Replaced steering shaft, bearings and one rear turf tire. Runs great, easy to work on.

Pros: Cost effective.
Cons: None so far.

4.00 star(s)

L2050 Kubota
Model Year: 1999

She's a great ride, great fuel economy and reliable, mostly used for mowing 5 acres.

Pros: No major problems.
Cons: No power steering.

5.00 star(s)

L2050 Kubota
Model Year: 1989

I purchased a new Kodiak 5800 rototiller, 4ft model. I love everything about this tiller. I is heavy, but it does not bounce around in hard red clay as others do, when you use it according to the instructions. I have owned KUHN, and LandPride. And have not had any bad things to say about them, but this Kodiak beats them both Hands Down! I power it with a Kubota L2050 4WD tractor, and the combination of the two, really get the job done to my complete satisfaction!! I started to buy a county line, or king cutter, but after doing my research, and deciding to buy a gear driven rototiller, I decided to buy the Kodiak. So if you're considering buying a new rototiller, take the time to check out the Kodiak 5800 Series.

Pros: 6 Tines per flange, built heavy duty, performs excellent
Cons: NONE

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Kubota L2050 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Kubota L2050s

Kubota L2050 Community Rankings

#548 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#479 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#274 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1380 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1400 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#645 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall