Kubota M135X 4.00 star(s) (3)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota M135X.
100-200 HP Tractors

About the Kubota M135X

Kubota M135X Discussions (10)

Here are the most recent M135X topics from our community.
  1. jacejackson14

    Tires Kubota M135X Duals?

    Was wondering if it could ever be possible to put duals on a Kubota M135X with a 135 HP and 118 PTO HP... Just curious if it could ever be done.
  2. DT86

    M135X Has Landed

    The boss decided that he wanted a new tractor before all the new emissions stuff came out. He finally brought it home the other day but I've been too busy to take any pics. Here she is in all...
  3. GinNB

    M135X with front suspension??

    Anybody have one of these yet? How do you like the front axle suspension? How about front loader suspension? I'm looking at a new tractor with suspension but I'm not stuck on Kubota (have...
  4. High Compression

    Buying Advice M135X front suspension

    Does anyone have a new Kubota M135X with the front suspension? Driving around the dealership doesn't really give me a feel for what it would be like going across a hay field at 15mph. Just curious...
  5. jacejackson14

    Increasing Horsepower on Kubota M135X

    I was wondering if there is any way to increase the power on a Kubota M135X. I know Kubota has the blocked the computer system so you are not able to chip it, but I know there is a way to...
  6. J


    From the NFMS: Kubota introduces 118 PTO horsepower tractor It has a 6.1L four cylinder!!!!!!!
  7. F

    GPS for M135X

    What type of GPS would you all recommend for my 135 and why? Thanks.
  8. jacejackson14

    Kubota M135X owners?

    How many people out there have a Kubota M135X? If you do how do you like it?
  9. M

    M135X Service Manual

    Does anyone know where I can find the part number for a M135X service manual. It seems very hard to find info for the M series online.
  10. Zscoop33

    Kubota m135x fuel filter

    Is there a cross for the fuel filter on a m135x.
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User Reviews (3)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota M135X Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

M135X Kubota
Kubota M135X
Model Year: 2009

I purchased this tractor to use on the winter months for our lawn and snow service, primarily running a plow and Shoule inverted blower. It is an animal, and works perfect in that role. Very maneuverable and powerful. Good features and build quality, although it is more of a Buick than a Cadillac. Works for me and has a great feature for dollar ratio. As we use more implements, I will know more, but I expect it to be great for years.

Pros: Great power for size, good value.
Cons: Terrible operators manual, probably written by a non English-as-first-language individual.

5.00 star(s)

M135X Kubota
Great Machine!
Model Year: 2011

I really love our Kubota! Such a comfortable machine with lots of power and reliability.

Pros: Lots of Power and reliability.
Cons: Nothing.

Photo Uploads:

2.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

M135X Kubota
Terrible Tractor
Model Year: 2013

The Kubota M135GX is a terrible tractor. In the first 2000 hours we've had the transmission completely replaced once and major transmission repairs 3 times after that. It has had a blown hydraulic pump, blown hydraulic heating element, and the list goes on and on. The wheel base is small, the loader hydraulics are under powered. The only good part is it has a great cooling system. You cannot overheat this tractor if the radiators are clean.

Pros: The engine cooling system
Cons: Reliability and powe

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Kubota M135X Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Kubota M135Xs

Kubota M135X Community Rankings

#35 user rating of 1114 100-200 HP Tractors items
#47 Viewed of 1114 100-200 HP Tractors items
#8 discussed of 1114 100-200 HP Tractors items
#1380 user rating of 19624 items overall
#966 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#803 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall