Kubota M7500 4.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota M7500.
50-100 HP Tractors

About the Kubota M7500

Kubota M7500 Discussions (5)

Here are the most recent M7500 topics from our community.
  1. N

    Kubota M7500 for budget multi-use tractor, thoughts?

    Hi folks, I'm trying to find a tough, reliable, versatile, maneuverable used tractor in the $8,000 to $13,000 range. It'll be transported to a few sites ranging from 2 to 8 acres for industrial...
  2. C

    Buying Advice Kubota M7500 new user!!

    happy Easter Guys! ok I have just bought a farm with a Kubota M5700 on it and am looking for a backhoe attachment I see one advertised for sale and before I flash the cash I need to know will the...
  3. E

    Price Check Kubota M7500 value ?

    I am wondering the value of a Used Kubota M7500 V4000 in very good condition with around 7500 hours. PTO, Hydrolic. Photo attached. Any ideas? Thanks so much Thanks!
  4. J

    how do I engage the pto on a Kubota M7500?

    Dont laugh just never owned a farm tractor how do I engage the pto on a Kubota M7500? more stupid queations to come!!
  5. K

    Kubota m7500 dt clutch problems.

    hi i have a Kubota m7500 dt with a slipping pto clutch,there is transmission oil dripping from the clutch housing,the main drive clutch does not seem to slip, so i'm thinking the oil could be...
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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota M7500 Subcompact Tractor
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4.00 star(s)

M7500 Kubota
Oldey But a Goodey
Model Year: 1986

I can't fault my Kubota M7500. I have over 100 acres anuse the machine for slashing and post driving and general clean up with FEL. I maintain "Kenny Kubota" very regularly and it starts 1st time every time. Has good power and smooth ride. I am happy with my choice and the whole family has a drive of it including number one daughter.

Pros: Sturdy and smooth ride.
Cons: Hydraulic oil dump reservoir.

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Kubota M7500 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Kubota M7500s

Kubota M7500 Community Rankings

#202 user rating of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#284 Viewed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#157 discussed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#1380 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1863 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#1101 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall