Mitsubishi R2500 4.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Mitsubishi R2500.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Mitsubishi R2500

Mitsubishi R2500 Discussions (5)

Here are the most recent R2500 topics from our community.
  1. T

    Mitsubishi R2500 Injector Pump issues?

    Recently became the owner of a Mits. R2500 that had been running until the head gasket went. Made a copper gasket for that. Now got no fuel out of the IP. Fuel reaches the bleed screw, so I am...
  2. P

    Mitsubishi R2500

    Hi folks. I'm new to this group and first just want to say howdy to all. I recently was given a Mitsubishi R2500 which I was told was impossible to get parts or manuals for. The tractor will run...
  3. S

    1972 Mitsubishi R2500

    so what's the scoop on these. is it even possible to get parts for them anymore? one for sale locally, probably 2g's or less, it's been for sale for a while. has loader, and a recently rebuilt...
  4. M

    Mitsubishi R2500 creeping unhappiness

    Winter approaches and one more time I'm going to try to breathe life back into my Mitsubishi R2500. Starting with a seized piston SO am desperate for a replacement head gasket and a set of rings...
  5. B

    Mitsubishi R2500 injectors

    Looking for injectors and glow plugs for R2500 Mitsubishi tractor. 2DR engine
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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Mitsubishi R2500 Subcompact Tractor
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4.00 star(s)

R2500 Mitsubishi
Rice Paddy to Mountain Top
Model Year: 1972

This machine sat in the middle of a back-to-the-lander neighbor's field for too many seasons. Seems it had a habit of rearing up which generated feelings of intense fear! Then it disappeared. A local tractor collector took it in trade and got it running again. I purchased it for $2000 plus a few attachments and drove it home. Eventually added a rotovator. We used all the time and in every way we needed. Not easy to start---we usually jumped it. A leaky tire valve lead to destroying a wheel rim (calcium chloride) and a very long search for a replacement. The tractor sat for several years but is now being reborn. Enthusiast neighbors with expertise have pitched in to assist in bringing it back to life. We've pulled the head and sump plate and freed the rear seized piston. We'll make a copper head gasket and match up a set of rings. There appear to be NO parts sources that we can locate and we have been persistent. Then what?We'll start running it again: winter road plowing, gardening, log towing and what ever else it's needed for. Feelings of guilt are prompting the construction of an implement shed. No more sitting off to one side of the parking area under a tarp or not. It will a treat to hear its throaty 'voice' once again.

Pros: Strong, 3 pt. hitch, economical, essentially very forgiving.
Cons: Impossible to find parts, featherweight front end.

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Mitsubishi R2500 Owner Pages

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Mitsubishi R2500 Community Rankings

#547 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#546 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#447 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1379 user rating of 19625 items overall
#1642 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#1098 discussed of 19625 items overall
#8 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall