New Holland TN70SA 5.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the New Holland TN70SA.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the New Holland TN70SA

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5.00 star(s)

TN70SA New Holland
Model Year: 2005

I have lived on a horse farm for the last 14 years and this is the third tractor that I have purchased. I started with a small JD955 w/ loader which was an absolutely fantastic tractor but with in a few years and after fencing in more of the hay fields for pasture I outgrew the tractor. I them bought a New Holland TC45/17LA. I switched to the NH because I felt I was getting more tractor for my money compared to the JD. After 4 years a friend talked me into getting a larger tractor (because he wanted my TN75). I ended up with a TN75SA again because I again felt I was getting more for my money then what was available in orange or green. The tractor has tons of power, turns great (super steer), and has a very strong loader which was very important to me. It will lift 2500lb pallets of pellet bedding with no effort. It has not been as reliable as I would have liked but except for one issue with the electronic shuttle shift I was able to diagnose (with help from everyone at TractorByNet) and repair everything. The problem with the electronic SS neeeded specialized diagnostic tools. I had a short that probleml would not had happened had I been a little more prompt in tightening up the shift lever that had a little play in in. This fix with towing cost close to $1500 which stung a little. The other issues were all caused by some sensors that went bad. Parts were overpriced ($60-$80) for what they were but they were simple fixes. Parts were readily available from Messicks on line who has great service and tech advice. The only thing that I would change if I were to do it over again is to get one with a cab. I was on the verge when i bought this one but I was already at $35,000 another $5000 for a cab was hard to swallow.

Pros: Power, strength of loader, supersteer.
Cons: Not absolutely reliable but not bad either.

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New Holland TN70SA Owner Pages

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New Holland TN70SA Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1605 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#31 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 27027 items overall
#6052 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall