Yanmar YM186 5.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Yanmar YM186.
Under 25 HP Tractors

About the Yanmar YM186

Yanmar YM186 Discussions (0)

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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Yanmar YM186 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)
renter damaged uhoh

YM186 Yanmar
Love the Machine
Model Year: 1980

It is a small tractor that thinks its a full grown tractor. Even with 100lbs of bumper weight I often loose traction on the front when hooked up with a 4' rotary mower. The yanmar diesel with just 18hp is just whats needed for my 2 acres. Sure more HP would be nice but I don't need it. The 9 speed gears allow for torque selection that will exceed what my turf tires can hold. While sipping on fuel. 5 gallons of diesel last forever. Only wish would be for a modern style 3 point lift control that shows lift amount. Would make for more precise box scrape work.

Pros: Cost to buy and operate.
Cons: Low weight equals low traction.

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Yanmar YM186 Owner Pages

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Yanmar YM186 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#601 Viewed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#14 discussed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 27027 items overall
#6639 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall