2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans

   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #61  
To say junk food exists because people buy it demonstrates a woeful lack of understanding on many fronts. Perhaps some time spent with Google would be helpful.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #62  
To say junk food exists because people buy it demonstrates a woeful lack of understanding on many fronts. Perhaps some time spent with Google would be helpful.

Why? I could care less if it does or does not exist. I don't consume it. In 2015, people know junk food is junk. It is in the name. They can choose to buy it or not. I'm not their mommy or daddy. Nor am I certified nutritionist or dietician. I choose to eat what and how I like. Others are free to do likewise. If people stopped buying junk food, it would no longer sell, and no longer be produced. Nobody is holding a gun to their head forcing them to choose poorly. That is on them. Period. Anything else is an excuse for lack of self control.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #63  
Still does not give me carte blanche to dictate to others how or what they should eat.
Who said it does? I did not. In fact, individual members of the group sharing the risk have no ability to affect the premium, what's covered, which determines the premium, etc.

It does give me the right to refuse to enter into the particular health insurance plan. I am free to move locations, change jobs, immigrate to another country, etc., etc. Or, I could lobby for a change in the parameters for which health insurance costs are based. In other words, if I do well on my physical, I pay a reduced premium. If you don't, you pay a higher premium.
Since most people are covered via a group policy, e.g., through their employment, they do not have this choice (not 'right'), i.e., they cannot '...lobby for a change in the parameters for which health insurance costs are based'.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #64  
I have invasive plants growing on my property that never were there 30 years ago. How would we deal with that?
That's a difficult question. I had Bermuda and Johnson grass in a garden plot. So I fenced it and kept hogs in it for a year. It depends on what the plants are and what the land is used for. Some things can be killed by shade or mulching. Some by grazing. Things like bitterweeed cant stand cultivation. Dragging a rattle snake harrow over the land will kill bitterweed. and maybe spraying is your best option? Me I would pull them by hand or mow them with a weedeater. I was up a dawn. And just came in. It has rained the last day. so I was pulling weeds. A weed is any plant in the wrong place. The previous owner of my corner fed thistle seeds to the birds. And the thistle plants where here by the thousands. I have killed the thistle by using a dish liquid bottle filled with gas. I spray a bit of gas on the plant at the ground. Its best to do this during the winter and early spring when the plant is in the rosette stage. I have successfully removed all the thistle cockle burr and jimson weed from my place with gas or pulling by hand. the thorn trees (locust) where partially cut so they fell over. then the goats did the rest. my neighbor has sprayed his thorn trees several times. they appear dead afterwards, Then like lazaurus they return back to life. the lambs quarters are pulled and fed to the pigs & goats. All the weeds I pulled this morning where put in the compost heap. we have a plant that grows here called Virginia pepper. when it has seeds its a natural wormer for cattle and goats. I let much of it grow and reseed . I like to pick the tender tips of the saw briar vines and they make a great salad. I let the wild rose bushes grow in the fence rows. the rose hips are good for vitamin C. the ginseng and golden seal are great medicine. We make wine from the elderberry & wild grapes. the sassafras roots are used in the spring for a spring tonic tea. The persimmions make a preserve. We even have Paw Paws down on the river. If you have high colestorol grow some kale. eat it raw or steamed every day and soon your colestorol will improve. The inner bark of the willow can be used to make a poision ivy cure or replace aspirin. Chew the tender branches of a tooth ache tree to sooth a tooth ache. those invasive plants might be a blessing instead of a curse? Yep my places are not well manicured however they yield a abundance of food & medicine. Just down the road my neighbor whos family had been on that farm since 1820. He is just now starting to quit chemicals and clean farming. We bale his fields for hay on the halves. he now has a herd of goats & miniature cattle. I talked him out of bulldozing the fence rows. we simply built a new fence a few few inside the old original fence. There are some burdock post still standing that his ancestors set over a 100 years ago. We used one for a gate post. I trying to get his sons interested in manageing the wood land on their place to make it more productive for both trees and wildlife. Ok so the very worst happens and the invasive plants don't get killed. come fall they die and add organic material to the land. something is allowing them to be able to crowd out the plants already present? Be like Dr WHO. try and figure out whats going on. once you understand the cause the remedy will be apparent. if you don't elemanate the cause a quick cure like poison will only be stop gap. notice the chemical guys must be countinually doing the same things every season?
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #65  
Forgive me when you quote me as saying,
It is their bodies and their choices. I'm not someone that feels I must make decisions for other people's eating habits because they are too stupid to feed themselves. I'm not going to be the people's diet nanny.
And you respond with,
Sadly, the current environment of shared risk, this is no longer true. If you are a member of a health insurance risk pool that includes members with very poor eating habits, your rates will increase.

I'm sure you'll understand why it reads as if you're saying it is no longer true that is is their body and their choice based on the current environment of shared risk. I'm not exactly how else to interpret what you quoted and how you responded.

Since most people are covered via a group policy, e.g., through their employment, they do not have this choice (not 'right'), i.e., they cannot '...lobby for a change in the parameters for which health insurance costs are based'.
I'm pretty sure you do have the right to seek another job if you are not happy with the benefits of your current one (i.e., refusing to enter into the particular health insurance plan). And there is nothing preventing you from petitioning your company to change insurance providers to a carrier that does offer premiums that are incentive based. Matter of fact, HealthQuest employees did this a few years ago.

Regardless, none of this changes the fact that I am not going to dictate to others how they should eat. It is their bodies and their choices. Nor does this have anything to do with the original topic. We've strayed way, way too far afield.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #66  
I don't haveany health insurance. I just paid a fine. Pay a fine for refusing to engage in commerce? what a crock?
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #67  
To say junk food exists because people buy it demonstrates,,,,
,,,,the power of marketing

One problem with picking up the insurance tab, gov't is then inclined to be responsible for prevention of injuries too. At the least they need to prevent the "30-year injury" (diet + exercise).

Sorry thats a what if. TJ understood you deal mostly in the past but some folks ought to be thinking of the future, and that's the realm of "What If".

I don't haveany health insurance.

You sorta do. What if "911" picks you up and you go to the hospital, the hospital has to accept a lower profit margin, and the taxpayer picks up the rest.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #68  
"No man is an island" and we don't live in a vacuum. The choices made by others directly impacts our quality of life and security whether that is measured by the number of PhD's we can produce or our healthcare costs.

Another job, another country, is escapism. I think you would find that the majority of other countries you would consider living in are more restrictive about personal choices than the USA is. I prefer to think this is a pretty good country we live in and it didn't get that way by running on autopilot. Vigilance and effort are needed to maintain what we enjoy and often take for granted.

The average dairy herd gets better care and nutrition than the human herd. There is something fundamentally askew about that. We need to recognize that and urge it in more favorable directions through education and information.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #69  
,,,,the power of marketing

One problem with picking up the insurance tab, gov't is then inclined to be responsible for prevention of injuries too. At the least they need to prevent the "30-year injury" (diet + exercise).

Sorry thats a what if. TJ understood you deal mostly in the past but some folks ought to be thinking of the future, and that's the realm of "What If".

You sorta do. What if "911" picks you up and you go to the hospital, the hospital has to accept a lower profit margin, and the taxpayer picks up the rest.

... and clever food chemists who know we are genetically conditioned by evolution to get a dopamine reward from those junk foods and that most will continue to consume them.
   / 2,4-D herbicide 'possibly' causes cancer in humans #70  
You sorta do. What if "911" picks you up and you go to the hospital, the hospital has to accept a lower profit margin, and the taxpayer picks up the rest.[/QUOTE] not true in my case. I don't qualify for welfare. Money is one thing I don't need to worry about .Ive got assets. land I don't live on and no debt. My youngest son was born premature. The hospital bills totaled over $40,000 thirty years ago. It took me 16 years however I paid every penny.
I has a house burn down. A guy stated you burnt it for the insurance. I stated It was paid for I didn't have any insurance. His next statement was you fool you should of had insurance? I know a lady pays a $1000 every month on her familys insurance. They haven't used it. If she saved that money she would be better off. I despise insurance companies. They are parasites who rig the odds in their favor. The produce nothing. Insurance more than anything else has driven up the cost of health care.