Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler?

   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler? #32  
Hi! Thank you very much Farmerboy! You are right! This small moldboard plow make a very good job. Plowing need a lot of traction. I just finish make my spad steel wheels as on Video. I take some picts tomorrow. I think you dont need more wheight at rear because Plow go down naturally in ground. More light is better. More easy for lift over ground.
Adjust moldboard plow and make good plowing is ART . They are contest. We must adjust or set Hitch Because very hard work against a plow. Too much incline front Go too deep. You must lift handlebar Very hard for back. Too much incline rear No enough deep You must pull down handle more easy. But the best is neutral. For this we set hitch for put Plough at near level on the ground. and with some fine correction on work. You just guide the thing. Good luck ! Oldmech
   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler? #33  
Hi! Here my new steel wheels. Very long to make . A lot of welding etc... VERY BAD FOR GRASS I think! I dont try it again . Soil or ground is freezing.
Four years ago I was plowing with JD 318 Turf tires and chains (no problem) Turf tires May be can go on dry soil but do not work with wet clay or mud because grips get full and no more traction. CHAINS are self cleaning.
I plan make special BIG Ring Chains (Pict 3) I think May Be this one are as Good than steel wheels and better with any tires. They are used with skidders.
Good luck! Oldmech


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   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler? #34  
When I was a kid, my dad had an old Simplicity and we pulled a 12" moldboard plow with it a lot. It pulled it fine. Of course he had wheel weights and loaded tires.

We had a simplicty FB from the 50's w/ the 12" plow, wheel weights & a counter weight that went in the front hitch.

also snow plow & (3) sickle bar heads that went in the front hitch. I've seen a front mount rotary mower too.

Had (2) 7.5hp clinton engines & when one started burning too much oil we'd start re-building the other one. We used to mow weed lots 6 days a week.
   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler? #35  
Hi! Here my new steel wheels. Very long to make . A lot of welding etc... VERY BAD FOR GRASS

Nice looking wheels!!

Yea i think they would be bad for the grass:D

Very nice!
   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler?
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Hey all,

I took my plow out yesterday.

Things I like - It plowed deeper'n I thought it would. General rule of thumb with a plow is usually you plow half as deep as the width of the plow (14 inches wide = 7 inches deep; 16=8; etc). By that logic, I should only gone 4 inches deep. I was plowing around 8 inches with an 8 inch wide plow and it was doing a decent job. That v twin 14 horse briggs did a great job pulling it. It didn't lug down at all.

Things I didn't like - Those turf tires won't do. I'm gonna need to find 6.5-12 lug tires to make this work. I didn't have trash cutters mounted and it plugged up a couple times, so will need to remedy that. I didn't have the tread set wide enough and had to offset the bracket to get the plow in the right spot. Therefore, I only plowed one way. Finally, I have short rows. By the time I got it the ground and doing some plowing, I was to the end of the row and picking it back out again. With the rolling motion of the soil, you also get forward motion. With plowing one way, I had a lot less soil on the side on which I started and a lot more soil on the side I stopped.

All in all, with some tweaking and longer rows, it'll be a fun toy to play with.




   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler? #37  
Wow Bill looks like it does a great job! The lug tires will definetly help you with traction, especialy in moister soil. And yes short rows are no fun. You just get going and have to quit!!!
   / Anyone pull a moldboard plow behind a two wheeler? #38  
I plowed a lot of gardens with a Montgomery Wards (Simplicity) 2 wheeler and an 8" plow. Even had the disc harrow and spike tooth harrow for it. We had loaded ag tread 12" tires and the front counter weight, Even then you only plowed 4-5" deep. Once I got a Gravely I never looked back.

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