BX25 Full Cage Rollbar

   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 9, 2011
Monrovia, California
Kubota BX25
Has anyone built a cage for their BX25? Doesn't look too awfully hard.

Perhaps build off the Canopy Frame (#1133) and or customize...Sure would be a nice piece of mind...

Perhaps make it so it is easy to remove as well...
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar #2  
A cab / cage would be nice where you could remove the sides in the summer time. Do you have some idea what you would like it to look like (another tractor with one perhaps)?
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar
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Actually I am not considering a cab, a roll cage I am considering, regarding
what it might look like, clean, functional, painted same as ROPS . I own
a metal tube hydraulically powered bending machine BUT, I think the
same material as the ROPS would "look" best. I need to ponder more.
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar #4  
The kubota l35 and john deere 110 tlbs both have smaller tubing for the fops and bigger for the rops. I'm going to put a fops on my 1026r due to my frequent tree collisions while mowing.
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar #6  
Be 100% sure it is removable.
I've never mess with a BX, but on the L2250 I had to split it in half to replace a hi-lo shift fork.
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar #7  
Has anyone built a cage for their BX25? Doesn't look too awfully hard.

Perhaps build off the Canopy Frame (#1133) and or customize...Sure would be a nice piece of mind...

Perhaps make it so it is easy to remove as well...

I just have to ask why. A roll cage is designed differently for different results. If you have ever been in a caged vehicle that rolled you would understand the differences. If you are worried about rolling down a hill build it tall so the tractor cannot go totaly upside down. If you build it low the tractor will keep rolling over untill it reaches the bottom.
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar
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If you drop the left or right front wheel into a hole, inadvertently,
perhaps while backfilling a hole, the BX25 will teeter todder into what
one might call a catastrophic life threating failure. Said cage can &
will protect a mans torso and cranium from crushing forces enough to
decapitate and or "crush "."

"Failure is NOT an Option"
Eugene Francis Krantz

Of coarse if you are tooling around a finished estate w/ a MMM hummin'
and hoping you get done in enough time to wash the MMM before dark
you need not worry. Those of us who push the envelope and "Go For It"
as in digging a hole big enough to bury the entire tractor and occupant
want, and need, more. :D
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   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar
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PS, said cage will stop widomakers as well, ...well, nothing is absolute but
"something" is better than "nothing"
   / BX25 Full Cage Rollbar #10  
PS, said cage will stop widomakers as well, ...well, nothing is absolute but
"something" is better than "nothing"

I was road building with the dozer in a fairly high wind. a sapsucker damaged, but still living, tree I wasn't even messing with let go about 20' up. I wouldn't be here if it was only equipped with ROPS. I'm not sure I'd be here if it happened while I was in the pick-up either.

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