Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans

   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #41  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

Wonder if they'll require us to use green cans for biodiesel?

   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #42  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

dhech1961, The reason for different colored fuel cans is purley a safety issue and to keep people from mixing two different fuels together. Red is always for gas because it is more flamable then diesel or kero. It also lets the guys in the fire dept. to quickly identify what is in someones car/truck if there is an accident, Hense you do not want a combustable liquid laying on the ground while you are taking care of a patient in a car accident. Remember gas as a liquid does not burn, it is the vapor that burns, while deisel and kero burn as a liquid. Also the colors are suspose to keep people from putting gas in kero. heaters. I've seen it happen and the end result of such a mistake.(A loss of someones house) As for the bleed of two different types of fuel in plastic cans is true,but it is so minimal that you or the piece of equipment could not detect it. As an example if you use an old clorox bottle an make a funnel out of it, no matter many times it is used or washed it always smells like clorox. It does not hurt anything but it still smells. I hope this helps. John
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #43  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

Saw this written on a yellow diesel can at my dealer's a couple of days ago:
Yellow is for diesel, Red is for gas, this can is yellow!
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #44  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

I do not belive that is correct, kero and diesel both both burn in the vapor phase. I cannot think of any chemical that burns in the liquid phase under normal atp conditons.

Could be wrong, would not be the first time. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #45  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

If blue is for kerosene and yellow is for diesel, when I mix them 50/50 for the winter should I use a green can?
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #46  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

I was making a joke is the last post, but I'm quite **** about using properly colored cans. Putting kerosene in a gas mower is an inconvience, but putting gas in a space heater could be a tragedy.
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #47  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

One of our workers put diesel in a gas can.. and then.. as it happens.. the next worker comes along grabs the 'full' can.. and fils up the water pump that we are using to pump water out of ponds to fill our sprayer trucks.

I think the worker with the pump was ready to whip the other worker. I will say this.. his 'pull-start' arm looked fairly well worked out by the time he got that pump running.. and smoking.. and sputtering...

   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #48  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

i remember when i was about 10 or so i had a lawn tractor that was like a go cart for around the yard, no mower deck and a little more aggresive tires. i had refueled it once and it started up and ran good for a bit then i turned it off and couldnt get it started again, my father and i fiddled with it for a while, then when we got tired of pull starting it we tried towing it with the tractor to start it, it sputtered and ran for a few seconds and smoked alot when my dad finaly took the gas cap off stuck his finger in and took it out and smelled it and started rolling over laughing cause it turned out i had mistakenly put kerosene in it. sure wish we had realized that a couple hours earlier!!!
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #49  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic \"gas\" cans

I only buy diesel, so it doesn't matter what color the can is. Wal-Mart has the self venting cans at 2 for $9, either color, but yellow is sold out most of the time. Everyone I know has drilled a hole in the top of the self venting cans to get them to flow. Enviromentalist have made it almost imposible to find a can that will flow. Kind of makes me think of the 1.6 gallon flush toilet. Uses less water per flush, but you have to flush three times more often.
   / Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans #50  
Re: Diesel fuel in plastic "gas" cans

Diesel= yellow
Also if this is the case is bio-diesel suppose to be dispensed in a green can? (kidding)

I have been using a red plastic container for diesel fuel years before yellow cans were even on the market. this is probably some unfunded federal mandate that is policed by the states.

But the real fact is do not put Diesel fuel in a zinc coated steel can. The zinc will be removed by the diesel and coat the pump and injectors and plug them.
The same goes with brass do not use containers with brass parts the same thing will happen.

I use a 2 and 5 gallon zinc coated inside red metal safety can for gasoline, a 5 gallon red plastic for diesel, and 1 gallon for 2 cycle mix. Tony D.
