Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles

   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #11  
. 811 will generally only locate stuff on utility side of the service, such as between transformer and meter. they wont locate homeowners side.
It’s amazing how many people apparently don’t know this. And I’m not digging all day with a shovel to find a line that’s in this area somewhere. Unless you know exactly where it is I’m digging now and you can fix later.
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #12  
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #13  
I’m not digging all day with a shovel to find a line that’s in this area somewhere. Unless you know exactly where it is I’m digging now and you can fix later.
Almost exact words of the guy 5 minutes before he cut that fiber optic cable.:cry:
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #14  
Our Miss Dig Service can find all types of wires & pipes for homeowners. They put a radio frequency on the line and follow it. I recommend a bride just to get it done safely.
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #15  
Our Miss Dig Service can find all types of wires & pipes for homeowners. They put a radio frequency on the line and follow it. I recommend a bride just to get it done safely.
I don't care how safety conscious he is, I'm not giving him my bride. :)
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #16  
Almost exact words of the guy 5 minutes before he cut that fiber optic cable.:cry:

811 would’ve marked a fiber optic.
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #17  
Almost exact words of the guy 5 minutes before he cut that fiber optic cable.:cry:
When redoing my dad’s main water line to his house, I called a licensed and insured backhoe operator. I’ve heard the horror stories of those that cut through fiber optics! :eek:
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #18  
Many people don't know that companies can "subscribe" or "not subscribe" to the 811 program. If they have underground lines but don't subscribe, those lines won't be marked. And usually any homeowner or contractor installed lines won't get flagged either.

Is your well line PVC or galvanized? I said earlier I commonly trench thru PVC lines then repair them, but old galvanized lines can be a bear to repair. I'd do everything possible to not damage a galvanized underground water line.
Ripping out a galvanized water line is a GOOD thing!
Then.....you can replace it with PVC!
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles
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Thanks to all who chipped in with comments.

Got the trench dug, the pipe through the foundation, pipe laid in, and backfilled most of the trench. Just have to do the hookups on either end. Never came across the pvc well line or the well pump power line. It was a nice morning and afternoon for digging, both by backhoe and by hand.

Metal detector found some screws, some roofing nails, a couple of hunks of unknown metal. Glad to have those picked up. We've used a lot of the "dirty" mulch our county makes from yard waste, and some of it was in the area where I was digging. I know we get some odd debris in that mulch.

I didn't call 811 because I already know where those lines are. Had them marked two years ago before I built the fence for the animal pen. Felt confident they hadn't moved in the two years since they were marked. :)
   / Digging trench for PVC water line, advice on potential obstacles #20  
I suggest using HDPE black plastic flexible water tubing rather than rigid PVC. If it breaks you can hook one end to your tractor and the other to new tubing and pull it 75' underground digging only one hole on each end.

And the reason to bury deeper than 12" is to not break the water line when it is run over with the tractor. Or truck. Or whatever.