Dog pics

   / Dog pics #1,911  
So we ended up with a female abandoned chihuahua.

"My wife has" a Chihuahua and "I have" a Heeler and a Border Collie. That's the "official arrangement". The 2 are with me wherever I go and if I am in the house on my chair or in bed the chi is snuggled up to me. So I guess I unofficially have 3 dogs. The Chi was abandoned as well with 2 bad knees, a bad hip, mange, fleas, the whole shebang. Doctored her up and she is a GREAT dog, queen of the house. Funny to see her boss the other 2 around but she does. Of course I have taught the other 2 the chi is off limits. Chihuahuas are great dogs, just tiny.
   / Dog pics #1,912  
"My wife has" a Chihuahua and "I have" a Heeler and a Border Collie. That's the "official arrangement". The 2 are with me wherever I go and if I am in the house on my chair or in bed the chi is snuggled up to me. So I guess I unofficially have 3 dogs. The Chi was abandoned as well with 2 bad knees, a bad hip, mange, fleas, the whole shebang. Doctored her up and she is a GREAT dog, queen of the house. Funny to see her boss the other 2 around but she does. Of course I have taught the other 2 the chi is off limits. Chihuahuas are great dogs, just tiny.

:). You have 3 are her alpha.
   / Dog pics #1,913  
So we ended up with a female abandoned chihuahua.

A man drove past our church about 2 months ago, opened the door of his truck, tossed her into the grass, and drove off.

She must've just gotten over a batch of puppies, and was pregnant again. She went to the shelter vet for a week or so, and we adopted her. She is fitting in just fine. I'm a large dog man, with no large dog at the moment, and I have to admit, there are advantages to having a dog that only eats about a 1/2 cup of food a day. :)

She is fitting in fine now that we have gotten her 98% housebroken. She is really bringing a lot of joy and laughs to our family with her "chihuahua-ness" You should see her lightning fast reflexes playing with a small grasshopper.

If you had told me a few months ago that I would have a chihuahua, I'd have called you a bald face liar... :)

Now it's me that has to have a little come-upence.

We took over the care of my step daughter's Shih Tzu. I really didn't want the dog at the time, but if anything happened to the little guy now, I'd be heartbroken.
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   / Dog pics #1,914  
We adopted a 4 yr old Pom male that was a breeder for a puppy mill the Humane Society got closed down. Poor guy spent his whole life in a small
cage sitting in filth. All his hair was wore off his back end and back of his legs and stomach. Eat up with fleas and ticks and ear mites. He didn't
know his name, how to play or show affection. Took us 6 months to heal his body and a year to heal his spirit. He's now over 15 yrs old and has a
bad heart but he and I have been joined at the hip for the last 10 years. When he passes, and it's coming, it'll be like losing a child.
This is Buddy.
Buddy  4-27-7 001.jpg
   / Dog pics #1,915  
Dano--great for a good dog to have a "forever" home with a nice guy.
   / Dog pics #1,916  
Dano--great for a good dog to have a "forever" home with a nice guy.

Don't know about the "nice guy" so much, but he is a good dog and I never dreamed I'd ever love a little dog so much. Born and raised on a farm,
we always had dogs. Mostly Walkers, Black and Tans and Redbones for hunting. I've always had big dogs, 2 German Shepards, , 1 Blood Hound,
1 Boxer and 2 Pit Bulls. Never wanted a small dog. My sister was a member of a volunteer rescue group and she talked my wife into taking this
one in. He was is such pitiful shape I guess my heart just reached out to him. He didn't bond with either of us for about 8 months then he started
gravitating toward me. I would take him for rides on my tractor and Ranger and we'd both take him on my Harley. At about 1 year, he wanted in
bed with us and so I reached down and pick him up. He promptly curled up against my hip and has slept there for the past 10 years. He loves my
wife and is protective of her but he comes to me if he thinks he need protecting. :) How any one could treat a little bundle of love and sweetness like
he was treated is way beyond anything I'll ever be able to comprehend. I traded the Harley Ultra Classic in on a 2014 MX Miata with the folding hard
top. He absolutely loves that car. He thinks it's his personal chariot and I'm his chauffeur. :D
I know he don't have much longer to live and I try to give him a ride everyday the weather permits. Here he is with the top coming up after a ride. We'd
just cut his hair short for the coming summer months. He can't take the heat. And another one of him giving me instructions on the tractor.:confused2:


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   / Dog pics #1,917  
GREAT story! Little dogs are, contrary to what some believe, DOGS. Every dog is a good dog, some just have bad owners.
   / Dog pics #1,919  
GREAT story! Little dogs are, contrary to what some believe, DOGS. Every dog is a good dog, some just have bad owners.

We took in two Springer Spaniel (litter mates) rescue dogs that had to go as a pair. They were never mistreated--that's important-- but I think never emotionally welcomed into the home. It took a year for the male to warm up and the female became my BFF forever after we went bird hunting. She is the best bird dog I have ever owned and never missed a downed bird. She watches me 24/7 for any dangers.

We are all now inseparable and the male guards the yard and our turf from danger while the female guards me from any threat. I think they just know they have a forever home and with hugs and admiration have blossomed into what they could have been. They are the best dogs we have ever owned.
   / Dog pics #1,920  
My little border collie has been with me for 6 months now and is coming out of her shell a little. She bonded with me on day 1 when I put her in the bathtub and scrubbed the feces off of her, then took control of her eating and activities. Tolerated my wife after 3 months but still won't go to her. Trusts no one else yet but does not cower and run away after so much as hearing voices. She will run up to strangers now and bark, then run away. Sometimes she stays and barks until I get there, which is what I want. Slow process but faster than I worried about on day 2. She was tormented in a dog hoarding situation from what I understand, passed around around to 2 or 3 places that could not deal with her trauma. Then to a shelter who put her on the un-adoptable list (not a good list). Then to a rescue lady who tried her best with very little income but had 15 dogs so this one got little attention. Great dog and I am so glad I have her. Super affectionate.
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