Dog pics

   / Dog pics #3,471  
More photos from the boundary waters in northern MN. Most of these are on a portage between two lakes. What is the blue stuff on the rocks in the bottom pic? :unsure:
   / Dog pics #3,473  
Not the brightest cat considering some of the larger dogs have been known to bring home squirrels and rabbits...

My wife is starting to get a little annoyed LOLView attachment 698289

Aww. Poor kitty.

I used to think cats made poor pets until my wife brought home a cat 2 years ago. Now, I’ve completely changed my mind.

Our cat is so nice. We are buddies.


   / Dog pics #3,476  
More photos from the boundary waters in northern MN. Most of these are on a portage between two lakes. What is the blue stuff on the rocks in the bottom pic? :unsure:View attachment 698283View attachment 698284View attachment 698285View attachment 698286
Is that Boundary Waters canoe park? Ely MN? I've been there 4-5 times in the 70s. I lost a knife there if you happen to find one.

I have a million stories but 2 quickies. I took my dog and on portages he would wonder. One time my buddies said, we gotta go, gotta make the next camp before sundown etc etc. I had to go. We pulled the aluminum canoes over the rocks which made noise. That's all it took, he came running!

One time, if memory serves, we went in for a couple weeks and came-out to find we had a new president. Tricky Dick had .....left the Building!

Every so often you can find the logs the voyagers laid down so they could drag their canoes on portages....or so we were told.

Similar park in the UP called Sylvania. Donated by the Fisher family. Any body remember...body by fisher?
   / Dog pics #3,480  
Matsu is now ranked the number 5 Akita in the nation. I'm not allowed to post pictures of him on FB anymore until they have been approved by everyone else. We have a few mentors that are kind of radical in what is a good picture, and what isn't. I love this picture of him, but they said NOOOO!!!!


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