Easiest way to kill grass???

   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #11  
woodchuckie said:
This drought we're having here in The South is doing a pretty good job on killing my grass.

Yeah, it's been rough. We got a little break last week. We got a surprise one-half inch shower last Thursday night, then when the tropical storm came through, we got almost another half-inch on Saturday. Not a drought-breaker, but it helped keep things alive. I'm located about half-way between Macon and Columbus. Some places over East of Macon got two inches or more. Maybe we'll have some activity in the Gulf; I don't mean storms, just the usual flow of moisture we usually get in the Summer.
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #12  
rooster628 said:
I'm tired of spending a fortune on RoundUp grass killer. What else can I use to kill grass around fences, along base of house, etc that won't cost as much? Can I mix up some kind of diesel mix??

If you lived in AL. you wouldn't have to worry about grass. We have had no rain to amount to anything in months.
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #13  
In my experience, the easiest way to kill grass is to make it believe you want it to flourish. If it thinks you want it to thrive, it will quickly turn yellow, then brown, and will cease growing.
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #14  
the_sandman_454 said:
In my experience, the easiest way to kill grass is to make it believe you want it to flourish. If it thinks you want it to thrive, it will quickly turn yellow, then brown, and will cease growing.

Yaeh. Go out and tell it how pretty it is and how you're looking forward to picking it when it's ripe.

   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #15  
rooster628 said:
I'm tired of spending a fortune on RoundUp grass killer.

Buy the concentrate and mix it with water yourself in your sprayer. A gallon of concentrate makes about 85 gallons of solution.
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #16  
A couple of horses can kill all the grass on one acre in no time!

   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #17  
I use Ortho or Spectricide (Lowes carry's it) Total Vegetation Killer concentrate (a gallon runs $20 - $25). I usually treat once in the spring, once mid way through the summer and in the fall. It works quite well. I usually mix two quarts with water in my 3 gallon sprayer and I can spray about 2,000 feet of fence row. I sprayed earlier this year and it wasn't browning up very good, then we got a little rain and it killed everything dead. I think this stuff goes to the roots in the ground.
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #18  
Fuel oil mix? eh.. lets not be en eco terrorist. There are much better and more permanent ways to deter plants than contaminating the ground water and soil where you live.

Easiest way I've found to get rid of grass is to 'call' it a lawn... then it just up and dies on it's own.

Seriously though.. for a fence line.. if you are having troubles with herbacides.. have you tested your grass to see if it is salt resistant? I've not seen much kill grass like cacl spilled from a loaded tractor tire... There are places in our shop yard that have not had grass for years after a CACL spill..


rooster628 said:
I'm tired of spending a fortune on RoundUp grass killer. What else can I use to kill grass around fences, along base of house, etc that won't cost as much? Can I mix up some kind of diesel mix??
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #19  
Fuel oil or salt ?? Not much difference in either of them for environmental damage except the salt will keep the area barren for much longer.:D
   / Easiest way to kill grass??? #20  
I don't believe the salt will deter grass. (At least not road salt). Every year the highway crew comes down the road scooping up the road mix of sand and salt from the sides of the road that they spread down all winter. One day I asked about getting a load or two. They said it would be good for fill but I wouldn't be able to grow grass in it. I said great, I wanted it to use as a base to park my camper on in my yard. They gave me two loads, I leveled it out and parked my camper there. Now I have to mow around the camper every week. It grows faster than the rest of my lawn and I didn't plant any grass there.