F Series vs. ZD

   / F Series vs. ZD #1  


Jan 19, 2025
Have been doing a ton of research regarding f series vs zero turns. Right now mowing with a John Deere 770 with 86” finish mower.

I have about 5-6 acres to mow. I’ve been leaning towards a f series because of its versatility. But I read that they are slow and rough compared to a zd zero turn.

I don’t have many hills but I’m struggling to rationalize 20k on a piece of equipment that only does one thing. At the same time I don’t want to compromise.

I have to imagine both machines would be faster than my current setup.

Any feedback is appreciated.

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   / F Series vs. ZD #2  
Have been doing a ton of research regarding f series vs zero turns. Right now mowing with a John Deere 770 with 86” finish mower.

I have about 5-6 acres to mow. I’ve been leaning towards a f series because of its versatility. But I read that they are slow and rough compared to a zd zero turn.

I owned & operated kubota Z series and F series mowers (both diesel 72”) side by side for years. The F series IS considerably slower-maybe a little faster than a mid mount mower on a big garden tractor. They are a bit more maneuverable, though and excellent on hills. A ZD zero turn is about 2-3 times faster. On flat ground, maybe even faster than that.
I don’t have many hills but I’m struggling to rationalize 20k on a piece of equipment that only does one thing. At the same time I don’t want to compromise.
If you don’t have hills, the need for an F series is greatly diminished.
Get out of the mindset that zero turns only can mow. They can do a lot more. They can pull a trailer, aerator, leaf vac. They can do light duty snow plowing, too.
I have to imagine both machines would be faster than my current setup.

I’d say the F would be maybe 25-50% faster than what you have (given the same size deck) A ZD zero turn would be 3-4 times faster.

That patch of grass in that picture looks like a juicy piece for a zero turn. It would eat it for lunch and beg for more.

If you are retired or have a lot of time on your hands, or not in a hurry, an F-series mightprove more versatile, but if you want to get the mowing done quickly and simply, you can’t beat a Kubota ZD-1211-72. I have 2 of them.
   / F Series vs. ZD #3  
Maybe get a solid used ZD-1211 and try it out, but keep the versatility of your nice JD compact?
If you don’t like it, it’ll sell easily on FBM.
   / F Series vs. ZD #4  
I went from a Befco 84" rear finish mower to a Kubota ZD 326 and ZD1211 72". They cut my mowing time by at least 1/2, and leave a much better appearing cut. The zeros are a one trick pony for sure, but they do that one thing VERY well !
I kept the Befco to back over my stream bank 7' at a time, which was time consuming. I now use a 62" articulating flail for the stream, and occasional brush mowing work.
I don't have any front mower experience, but there are several folks here that will likely pop in to share their wisdom.
   / F Series vs. ZD #5  
I would suspect your current Deere will be the smoothest ride over zero turn since it has the largest diameter wheels or at least that has been my experience.

Will you be keeping the Deere for loader work or trading it off. If keeping then a little less concern about being a one trick pony since you would still have the tractor.

I personally dislike the twin lever controls used on most zero turns. I find it much easier to drive straight and turn with steering wheel and foot control for speed and direction. I.e. F series

Do you have dealer(s) that allow extended test drives on your property or rental before you buy one. Sitting on one in show room is not same as mowing for a couple hours.
   / F Series vs. ZD
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Maybe get a solid used ZD-1211 and try it out, but keep the versatility of your nice JD compact?
If you don’t like it, it’ll sell easily on FBM.
I’m keeping the JD because I want the front loader. The problem with the JD is I can’t find a front snow blower or blade for snow removal. Which is where the f series comes in. It also has 1650 hours. So it’s getting up there in age. If you can beleive it…thing is 30+ years old. It’s in great shape.

Right now 5-6 acres takes me ~2-2.2 hours. If the f series saves me 30 minutes I’d be happy. Would cutting it in 1 hour with a zero turn be nice. Yea…but I lose versatility.
   / F Series vs. ZD
  • Thread Starter
I went from a Befco 84" rear finish mower to a Kubota ZD 326 and ZD1211 72". They cut my mowing time by at least 1/2, and leave a much better appearing cut. The zeros are a one trick pony for sure, but they do that one thing VERY well !
I kept the Befco to back over my stream bank 7' at a time, which was time consuming. I now use a 62" articulating flail for the stream, and occasional brush mowing work.
I don't have any front mower experience, but there are several folks here that will likely pop in to share their wisdom.
How is power on the zd1211 with 72”. My dealer was saying f2690 might be under powered with a 72”.
   / F Series vs. ZD
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I would suspect your current Deere will be the smoothest ride over zero turn since it has the largest diameter wheels or at least that has been my experience.

Will you be keeping the Deere for loader work or trading it off. If keeping then a little less concern about being a one trick pony since you would still have the tractor.

I personally dislike the twin lever controls used on most zero turns. I find it much easier to drive straight and turn with steering wheel and foot control for speed and direction. I.e. F series

Do you have dealer(s) that allow extended test drives on your property or rental before you buy one. Sitting on one in show room is not same as mowing for a couple hours.
This is part of my concern. Rise is very nice. Like a Cadillac. Problem is it’s wicked slow…I run it 2nd gear 2300 rpm. She clocks in at a whopping 3 mph. It’s painful.

I’ve tried running in 3rd gear. But it gets bumpy for sure. The tractor really isn’t meant for it…

I tried the f2690 at my local dealer in the parking lot and grass.

Problem is ground is frozen here. So running it felt harsh because there was no give in the soil. Almost like running it on bumpy tar.
   / F Series vs. ZD
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Here are some more aerials of the property. There are some obstacles. But not a ton.

   / F Series vs. ZD #10  
Do you get a lot of snow? Do you have the JD style quick attach? You could get a rear blade or a snow pusher for it.

I’m not a lot of help on a zero turn. I’ve used one at my place once a struggled with it a little on my hills but your place looks good for one.

Nice looking place too!

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