Veteran Member
I don't buy this argument!With diesel costing over $ 2 per gallon more than gas right now, it makes sense to use gas tractors. I think we will see that difference tighten way up by the spring.
The reason for the big difference right now, is that we are at the point of maximum demand for heating oil. That is identical to diesel fuel, except for the color.
All my life diesel has been cheaper than gas, summer and winter. So why is it that in the last few years Diesel has become more expensive and not by a little. $2 a gallon more than gas is absolutely ridiculous. When I was young, my parents used to heat with oil and my father would deliver it to households. A lot of house use oil because natural gas was not available. So why was it cheaper then and until a few years ago. Why is it cheaper in Europe than here? Something else is going on. Or maybe someone can open my eyes to some reasonable explanation, not what we are fed by the media or fuel companies.