Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #149,531  
Good morning! Well the weather guessers got it wrong again... overnight low of 7C but the current high is only 11C. 3mm of rain in the gauge = missed that event (it did happen South of me) although 'they' are predicting wind & rain today. We'll see.

I did put a fire on last night for the first time this year. Looks like I did a good job cleaning the flue/chimney.

Nothing planned for today as the "Liars" have/had predicted a miserable day (or wonderful, depending on your outlook). Take care all!
   / Good morning!!!! #149,532  
Good evening all. 67ºF for the start, overcast, light breeze. Rain in forecast, now down to 1/3 inch from 3 inch. Rain start kept getting delayed, was hard to get properly organise day on such inaccurated data. Got windy, sky cleared off in afternoon and no rain fell. Did get some cleaning done for BIL and wife's sister coming tomorrow, and tires swapped on Trek. After lunch work on mowing front, 8 lawn bags woth and 2 hours mowing time. No ride was tired after handling that much grass. Did get nap in.
Randy glad no major issues. hope the allergens back off soon.
Dennis hope tooth can be taken care of soon.
Kyle No margarita for you :)
Kyle good luck with new job!
Randy(wag) same problem here, 75+ mm rain forecast, 0 delivered :(
RNG you covered all the bases.
Dennis hope pain is better soon
Doug low O2 may sign of poor circulation.
Bill weather is improving, hope day went well.
Drew hope you had fun planting this morning, hope no issue with 4th shot, had fun outside with lawn.
Billy Sorry about breaking a tooth just after getting one fixed! Good luck on torsion spring search.
RS did not realize deer would look for grubs as well. Hope getting up early was worth it.
Ken Glad Dad and GF are negative, I understand about the grass weather has not been getting grass dry here either.
Drew hope you get a chance to see the Kubota promotions
RNG glad your method worked as well as it did. Hoping the rock outcropping does not stop you. Sorry about the flail instruction issues and rework now required.
Don sorry alligators are so close, hoping you and wife escape them. Also hoping you get more rain there than the goose egg we got.
Paul what are you getting? hope ride in back was enjoyable.
Roy sorry you were up so early.
Dennis glad antibiotics and tylenol working. 2 inch lot of rain.
PJ sorry about the loss of hot sauce. Hope it is drier in a week :)
Ted hope winds stayed down.
Bill that is on rusty trailer.
David glad you only getting 1 :) hope H&F went well
Drew Texas gets pot holes as well.
Doug prayers for a treatment for your arm.
Thomas long day at job you earned early to bed
Bill sounds like good day. I think you are right about less gas after some hours on motor.
Dennis sorry about recurrence in tooth.
Randy sorry about winter back again.
Randy(wag) enjoy theopportunity to conserve some energy and get tank refilled.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle's daughter/friend PT from Covid, Bird/aging issues/, Don /mom's pipeline process, Randy/FIL living alone adjustments /MIL Covid /son's FIL death /new(2) cancer surgeries not neede :) /cataract surgery, Roy /palpitations, /angina , Billy /wife fall, David(moss) /remodel /divorce, Buppies /3 new skin cancer spots and treatment, /wife head wound healing, Thomas/gout, Phil /reflux, /wife's eyes, Steppenwolfe/son-auto immune disorder, Grev/wife's eye, Ted/knee recovery/retirement, / passing out issues, /family issues, Doug and wife/health issues, /nerve and pain, / wife's heart and low O2, /torn bicep, Ken/tree fall injuries, / kids shot tragedy, David(sadamo)/Sophie's new eye surgery recovery, /catarac surgery, Chris/neighbor's granddaughter and Covid issues, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, Paul/ wife's disc issues, Gale and KY/ tornado victims, Mike /5 year plan, Dennis/ brother "alligallyitus" and improving, James /wife's fall and recovery, Drew /friend cancer diagnosis and recovery, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Ukraine war, and Country.
stay safe and healthy you all.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,533  
Been up the last hour. Radar says rain should start any time, but don’t hear any.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,534  
Well I got Les to the Dr today and she said she had to go straight to the hospiital so that is where she is. I really don't think she will be home tonight much to her chagrin. She hates the place especially with alligatoritis in the air. Even after the Dr told her to go straight there she didn't want to go but I was driving so I did a u-turn and took her there.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,535  
I’m curious how one of the small battery operated mini tillers really works for weeding. At least you don’t have to bend, but unforgiving if you get too close to plants.

Saw dentist about painful tooth. Nothing obvious on the X-ray, so he’s sending me to endodontist. Turns out this is same tooth I had a root canal done in 2008. So he will probably rip off the crown, rotorooter in the tooth again, then I’ll have to get new crown.

Supper time

Good luck with that, Dennis. Sophie had similar a few years back. Seems the 1st root canal wasn’t deep enough. She really liked the 2nd endodontist. He was a retired Navy dentist. Says he was gentlest ever.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,536  
Well I got Les to the Dr today and she said she had to go straight to the hospiital so that is where she is. I really don't think she will be home tonight much to her chagrin. She hates the place especially with alligatoritis in the air. Even after the Dr told her to go straight there she didn't want to go but I was driving so I did a u-turn and took her there.

Extra prayers for Les, Doug.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,538  
So an hour after I posted the rain started, it's now 1912 and the aerodrome is reporting 15mm so far.

The current temp is only 10C and I expect it to only drop to 7C overnight. It's nice and comforting to have the fire going on the heater... if anything to keep the damp out. I've taken to setting my mobile phone to 'alarm' at 0200 so that I can put more wood on the fire. In the past I've relied on my own 'internal clock' (pee break 😄) to stoke the fire but sometimes I get so 'comfy' that I've gone way past the optimum time.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,539  
36F cloudy mid 60's for high.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Plans for today...Hoping to get 1 cord of wood wheelbarrow into basement another cord tomorrow and date night...that should do it for the day day.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,540  
good morning all
this weekend is going to be a very wet affair, rain starting soon and continuing into Sunday, 2 inches predicted, lot of rain.
Sure like to send Ted some...

Doug, prayers for your wife and hope she is home soon.

was going to plant some snowball bushes that came in from Burgess yesterday, tiny things but at least they had green leaves on the little twig.
Will put them out by road. But have a neck MRI at 1pm so the day is basically shot.
I might go out and look for a few more radishes before the rain starts.

hope you all have a great day