Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #149,551  
53F and raining @ 09:30, only expected to reach 59F for the high today with rain forecast all day. LWS says 0.69" of precip since midnight.

So looks like it will be pretty much an inside day today.

Yesterday's plans got shot to hell as they often do. I did manage to get three peat pot trays of catnip, catmint, and coleus planted. When I got to the lavender seeds which had been cold-stratifying in the refrigerator I found that a high percentage of them had actually sprouted. Not exactly sure why that happened - could have been that I got the paper towel they were wrapped in too wet or maybe due to inconsistent temps in the 'frig (I did put them on the top shelf because our refrigerator has an issue with sometimes freezing things that are on the lower shelves)

So that precipitated a several hour process of carefully trying to remove the sprouts - which were tiny (less than an inch long) - from the paper towel (which their roots were adhered to) using a razor knife and transplanting them into peat pots, one sprout into each hole in a pot. Ended up doing 4 pots or 40 sprouts. Since I had no real confidence that any of them would survive, I also put 4 un-sprouted seeds into each hole.

This required a good bit of manual dexterity and fine motor skills which I am happy to report I apparently still possess ... :giggle:

The real good news this morning is that, thus far, none of the sprouts have curled up and died. They are going to require close monitoring though, to ensure they don't dry out.

The Woman was mostly busy yesterday making up a batch of her chicken paprikash with dumplings, although She did spend some time on the phone with friends and relatives who called with Birthday wishes.

She had to run out to the store for some ingredients and when She returned and found me still working on the lavender transplanting, She commented that She figured that I would be out mowing.

That caused me to realize that I had never finished up mowing the front lawn the other day and with rain due in, I figured I better get on it ... so I spent the rest of the afternoon mowing (and re-mowing) the entire front and got it all done.

With two days of rain followed by a number of days of really warm weather, the grass is sure to be growing like mad.

While doing that I discovered that: 1. there are no occupants in Nest Box No. 1, the tree swallows in Nest Box No. 3 have apparently abandoned their efforts there and moved on, but in Nest Box No. 2 Momma bluebird is apparently sitting on eggs (she didn't flee when I opened the door to check)

Since it has been (and will be) cool and overcast, I put out 30 live mealworms in the feeder out front before I came in.

Thankfully, there's been no real evidence of house sparrows nesting in any of the boxes, although I do see them around the yard at times, mostly out by the hopper feeder.

I also got the air cleaner prefilter pulled off the Cub before I knocked off outside, need to wash that this morning.

Hawthorn and dogwood trees now starting to bloom.

As of yesterday morning the count on marigolds sprouting was 43 in the original tray and 38 in the second.

The Woman sends her thanks for the Birthday well wishes.

Hope everyone has/is having a great Friday ... (y)
   / Good morning!!!! #149,552  
RS, I hear you about not being able to get a nap.....
I was planning one for sure..... but it didn't happen....
The problem is that I don't know why I didn't get one.... I really didn't do anything much at all, so the time should have been available....🤫
Have had that happen here as well, more than a few times ... ;)

At least you were productive with all those those tasks completed!
I'll take it when I can get it ... :giggle:
   / Good morning!!!! #149,553  
I just ordered my wife one from Home Depot, she loved it. Supposed to be here Friday. I already have a drill and string trimmer that uses that battery and I have three of them. Thanks!

Appreciate that info - hadn't fully considered that aspect.

The Woman has been wanting a string trimmer as well, since She finds the Stihl FS 66 difficult to handle.

Checked the Menards site and found that they had some of the B&D units on closeout as well, so I went ahead and ordered one that included two batteries for Her, since the local stores didn't have any on hand.

Got notice from Menards this morning it was scheduled for delivery tomorrow ... then got a notice from UPS that the delivery was being "rescheduled" ... :LOL:

Hopefully, having three batteries should cover the amount of time She's willing to work at trimming or cultivating ... ;)

Hope you'll get some relief from the allergies soon.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,554  
Interesting guys that willow roots go out so far. They must stay pretty shallow because willows are known to blow over in high winds.
These two willows will go in at furthest end of the lot, far away from anything and septic fields.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,555  
Appreciate that info - hadn't fully considered that aspect.

The Woman has been wanting a string trimmer as well, since She finds the Stihl FS 66 difficult to handle.

Checked the Menards site and found that they had some of the B&D units on closeout as well, so I went ahead and ordered one that included two batteries for Her, since the local stores didn't have any on hand.

Got notice from Menards this morning it was scheduled for delivery tomorrow ... then got a notice from UPS that the delivery was being "rescheduled" ... :LOL:

Hopefully, having three batteries should cover the amount of time She's willing to work at trimming or cultivating ... ;)

Hope you'll get some relief from the allergies soon.

My wife’s is out for delivery today, it’s supposed to rain all weekend and we are out of town tomorrow, so it’ll probably be next week before we try it. I’m glad you mentioned it with the link, she’s as excited as a kid at Christmas.

Thanks for the well wishes.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,556  
RS good to hear a lot of the seed planted are now sprouting.

Yes !

The first tray is now up to 46 (from 43 yesterday)

Still need to check the second tray.

sorry about the hawk.

Yeah ... was unfortunate, but suspect local prey population is not too unhappy about it ... ;)

RS hope wife likes b-day present,

We'll see ... she didn't get to messing around with it yesterday (cool and wet outside + plus focused on making the paprikash)

wish her happy b-day for me.

Done. She sends her thanks.

Hope the CPAP issues get sorted out soon ... (y)
   / Good morning!!!! #149,557  
RS, let us know how the cultivator works out.

Will do.

Quite curious myself.

Good luck on the decision/announcement on the employment situation ... (y)
   / Good morning!!!! #149,558  
I wonder what Squeak thinks when she looks up at that giant cat on the screen. Curiosity +

Probably really impressed with how that Big Cat is able to magically vanish and reappear so quickly and wonders how exactly this is done ?
   / Good morning!!!! #149,559  
53°F and rain this morning, going all the way up to 56° today. Rain should end around noon here, then we get dry and in the 90s for much of next week. Not sure I'm ready for that kind of heat already.

Got absolutely nothing done yesterday evening. The boy started chatting about meeting a former coworker of mine during his work day, and that snowballed into about 2-1/2 hours of meandering conversation. So it goes sometimes.

Wife and I have talked about planting willows in a couple of our wet areas, Drew, but we've also heard hat the root systems can be troublesome.
   / Good morning!!!! #149,560  
I guess the weather people got enough attention with their 100˚F on the map here for this weekend, they have lowered it to a tolerable 99˚F, not as impressive.

I saw this morning that they were calling for a high of 106F in Laredo at some point.

BTDT, GTT ... multiple times.

Not much fun if there is humidity with it.

But that can go either way, depending which way the wind is blowing.

Happy Birthday to "The Woman"!

She sends Her thanks !

That is an interesting battery cultivator. Do the vertical blades go back and forth? I see now that EGO makes one also but the traditional style - tines goes round horizontally.

They spin in a counter-rotating fashion: the left goes one way, the right goes the other.