Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #181,411  
Good morning, 28 going to 52 warning up some

coffee made fire is going good Cody walked

Went to Po yesterday and got stuck in some accident or something else. whole neighborhood was blocked off with emergency vehicles and police all over the place

Mostly the heated vest is from Ororo and love it. Have two batteries and a battery usually last a full day

I would like a heated lumbar/kidney pad wrap…
   / Good morning!!!! #181,412  
Good morning, the low is 32 and the high to 37°F. Wind SSW 13 mph. 70% chance of flurries or rain.

Yesterdays 2" of snow, by the time we got home was 4". The block heater for the tractor is turned on. I guess y'all know what I will be doing at about 9:30 A.M.

Junior is disabled, but not as bad as his wife was, so I don't need to get out there as early, as long as it gets done. My customers know I have a life too and are very understanding.

I still have 'summer' windshield washer juice in the jug under the hood. So after I get done plowing I have that to drain and put in some -40F juice. The summer stuff is a half and half mixture of -40F and bug removal soap. In the gallon bottle it looks purple instead of blue. That is the effect of mixing pink (soap) and winter stuff (blue). I could care less what the colour is, as long as it gets the bugs off the windshield.

I paid $1.499/L yesterday for regular. That works out to $5.63/US gal, in Canuck cash. Diesel is worse at $1.919/L or $7.25/US gal. I gotta get furnace oil/diesel fuel before Christmas. That one is gonna hurt. it is a good thing I have a 4 digit credit with the oil guy.

I have been working for the same company for 38 years. My attitude has always been, I was looking for a job before I came here and I will be looking for one when I leave. BUT while I am here I WILL do the best I can with what you give me to drive.
I was kinda hoping I could stay until 40, but the more I think about it, the closer I am to calling it quits. The big juicy income tax rebate in spring is one of the things that I will miss dearly. I am talking 5 digits to the left of the decimal point. Last year was 13 thousand.

We had the fly population down to 'hard to find', but I stopped using the wood stove for a couple of weeks, the flies that were hiding in the warm basement have migrated upstairs. So while we got the majority of them, as they come up to the warm upstairs we are killing them off with the alcohol, water and dawn dish soap mixture. When the flies get hit with this mixture, their wings don't work any more so that they jump up to take flight but their wings don't work and they fall like a rock to the floor. Then they either get smashed with a fly swatter or they die when the alcohol eats through their exoskeleton. Either way they are dead and I don't care which way.

The only event that happened yesterday was a guy with a Toyota got to entertain 2 cop cars complete with Ontarios' finest wasting almost one lane of the highway in North Bay. That cost me a couple of minutes to get around,but in the winter time I am in no big hurry.

Helo, I use spell check, every time I type something. I have used grammar check in the past, but not no more. Which by the way is poor grammar right there. "Not no more" should be "not any more".

You-ins have a safe day
I wonder if using methanol would speed the process over using isopropyl?
   / Good morning!!!! #181,414  
bef, thanks for the vid. I DO own a Kioti, it has been a good tractor for me.

kilroy, methanol is too flammable for my liking. The alcohol only takes about 5 minutes to kill them. The exoskeleton is moist and the alcohol takes the moisture right out of it. The soap messes up their wings. That is almost instantaneous and the alcohol does in the skeleton over about 5 minutes. The water makes the solution go farther. I am using 70% alcohol.

Kyle, that block looks to me like a 'power beyond' block I had for my Farmall 'C'.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,415  
Good Morning!

God has given us another chance to get it right (or at least not screw up too badly).

21.2F going into 50s, mostly sunny day.

Running around went well, stopped at a thrift and got a couple Red Head shirts for $1 each, and also scored a Wagner Magnalite for $60, in almost perfect shape. I have my grandmother’s and it is in good shape considering the amount of use it has had, but it Is getting a bit tired after 70 years of use — and aluminum does not stand up to scrubbing as well as cast iron. I know the bottom is getting a little thin in spots…

today is dental cleaning appointment for all of us, then grocery shopping and lunch out. Then some more decorations get dug out.

i hope everyone has a happy healthy safe blessed day!
   / Good morning!!!! #181,416  
"Should I bring my trailer up there?"

Remember the guy on here Farming with Junk? I think I could be his poor cousin. What would really be helpful if someone brought a dumpster. :LOL: I'm going to start with the low hanging fruit. There are a bunch of bottles of waste oil in the corner that need to go to the farmer down the road who burns waste oil. I was thinking of actually moving everything out and cleaning but my big shopvac doesn't turn on so I need to figure that out. That should be a good way to start.

The radio says it may get to 50F this afternoon so I will chop leaves at the farm.

Take care.

   / Good morning!!!! #181,418  
Good Morning
26 degrees out there this morning. High of 45 under clear skies

Yesterday was a nice clear, but cold day, a nice day to fly. Picking up the plane went pretty well. It was in a hangar attached to his house on the Ocean City, NJ airport, I was concerned about the gate being padlocked,because nobody knew the combination to the lock. I brought a cordless grinder with a cut off wheel to serve as a master key if required. Fortunately it wasn’t needed, everything went smoothly, except that the key wasn’t in it. Fortunately a frantic search found one that fit in a tool box. (And about 200 that didn’t).
It was pretty well equipped for a small plane.


All the pieces are in place for that to go smoothly, we need to find one manual that wasn’t in the plane though.

I got home in time to get some chores done, grain bins loaded, moved hay and straw from the shed to the barn, gave the CarryAll a good work out.


Was planning to go to Bill Kirchen’s Christmas show at the Sellersville Theater, but gravity ultimately won. After I got as many chores done as I was going to, and ate some leftover turkey it over powered me and kept me hostage on the sofa. Never did get to work on the tractor.
Maybe today…..

Which will start with breakfast with the professor, followed by helping my wife load into a holiday market. But that should leave me the afternoon to drain lots of oil.
   / Good morning!!!! #181,419  
Good morning, 22 going up to 50 and partly cloudy.
Tonight we will go buy a christmas tree, so I have to prep the area.
Got nothing done last night, not enough sleep this week.

Nice truck Rich!

Be well,
   / Good morning!!!! #181,420  
Good Morning!!!! 44F @ 4:30AM. Cloudy with occasional showers. High near 60F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.
what is annoying is youtube now seems to require you to watch ads
I'm sure they have some premium service to get rid of them; really think it's intentional to annoy you
to drive those online sales
One work around for desktop/web app YouTube is to log out of Google. That seems to stop the paywall blockade. Oddly, the ads here on TBN have disappeared without me making any setting changes.

Is that a RAM, Rich? Nice low miles...👍🏻

Got ten struts made for the hanging shelves down south yesterday. Raided the scrap pile for some square tubes and bar stock and kept the horizontal band saw going for a good while. Might just be the last project for this iteration of the shop.

My buddy in town called and we're set to get back to work on the Vanagon next Monday and Tuesday. He's optimistic we'll get it running again; I'm not so hopeful.

Had to call the local PO again yesterday to ask why my mail hasn't resumed yet. I cancelled the Mail Hold on Sunday, and as of yesterday still haven't seen anything show up in the box. One thing I won't miss here is the crappy mailman. He's one of those people that thinks the world owes him a living, and does his best to do his worst. If I had any coal, I'd find a way to fill his stocking with it.

Hang in there, gang, Friday's comin'!