Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,881  
She is doing great. She got in and out of my Prius effortlessly, and walked into the restaurant for breakfast with a cane.

I would imagine that Dennis is doing the ADA thing, I sure am, even a curbless shower so that I can roll into it!

I learned the hard way with my motorcycle accident a few years ago what life without mobility is like.
Not a curb less shower right now on the plans, but I do want one. If we decided to move to the house, the goal would be to add on a 2nd master bath with all that stuff. Did put in 3ft door to bath.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,882  
Did manage to go back out, trim some trees, mixed and sprayed 2 gal weed juice, then mixed 2 gal more.
Then had some strawberry short cake, with homemade biscuits, strawberries my wife picked yesterday, ice cream on top. might get some more.
turning overcast, still 81 deg. some storms popping up on radar, hope we get some.
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   / Good morning!!!! #190,885  
Well I only managed to get one corner of my man cave cleaned up, so now my walker (4 wheeled thingy) fits right up to the bed. The cleanup was a success. I found a volt/ohm meter that I bought 10 years ago.
The next job is to re-sort the 4 coolers I had for trucking.
Up until a little while ago I figured I should be moving around a lot more and getting the grass cut.
Then I realized that the only unassisted walking I did was from the bed to the can (About 10 steps in each direction). Now I know why I can't walk out to the mower 60'. He77, I can't even walk to the kitchen 40' away. But I am in way better shape that the people that gave their all in the wars. R.I.P.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,886  
Good Evening,
Vt, nice sunset this evening !

Mixed up some Ortho Ground Clear for my sprayer , hopped in the Ranger and drove up and down the DW and sprayed any grass or weeds coming up !

Have a good evening!


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   / Good morning!!!! #190,887  
add on a 2nd master bath with all that stuff.
Forgot to mention. We put heated floors in our master bath. Under the tile flooring. It was not that expensive-- under $2,000 for the upgrade. WOW we love that. I wish we had put it in all of the other full bathrooms. I've I built again I'd do it in a heartbeat.

A few years after the residence was completed the control unit for the heated floors failed. So it was down for about a week. Dang that bathroom was cold while it was out. I felt this was a frill or luxury when we built. Now that I have one I will always do it in important bathrooms. Something to consider.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,889  
Good Evening,
Vt, nice sunset this evening !

Mixed up some Ortho Ground Clear for my sprayer , hopped in the Ranger and drove up and down the DW and sprayed any grass or weeds coming up !

Have a good evening!
I strapped my sprayer in the front left corner of ranger bed, then drove around spraying from the seat. Felt like a state worker, they spray from the window of their truck (and kill lots of my grass with their overspray). 😂
   / Good morning!!!! #190,890  
Forgot to mention. We put heated floors in our master bath. Under the tile flooring. It was not that expensive-- under $2,000 for the upgrade. WOW we love that. I wish we had put it in all of the other full bathrooms. I've I built again I'd do it in a heartbeat.

A few years after the residence was completed the control unit for the heated floors failed. So it was down for about a week. Dang that bathroom was cold while it was out. I felt this was a frill or luxury when we built. Now that I have one I will always do it in important bathrooms. Something to consider.
Maybe I’ll put pex in the floor like popgadget.