Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #194,771  
finally was able to run Speedtest
.15 down
345 up
something clearly wrong
put in service call to FIOS, curious to see if they call back

heaviest rain just went through, looks like it will be clearing up early and might not get soaked going to dinner
   / Good morning!!!! #194,772  
We are getting high winds and heavy rains. Power tried going out had 3 resets and finally stayed on with the third. The scanner is busy with reports of trees down some with wires involved.
At this time National Grid has 445 reported outages, with over 32,000 customers out at this time.

And just as I was ready to hit reply my Starlink went out from the storm, as always, using my phone hotspot now.
   / Good morning!!!! #194,773  
69F steady rain started around 4:30pm every now and then30 second down pour winds around 10mph,radar showing storm ending around 11pm so we are only getting the tail end of storm.

had plans on puttering in the shed nope,Boo was laying on his blanket taking a nap. :oops:

Plans for the evening no idea.

Enjoy your evening all.
   / Good morning!!!! #194,774  
ended up with 1.59" of rain for the day.
sun out now, temp is cranking back up along with the humidity. They cooler weather the last 2 days was really nice.
still no word on AC fix.
Spent the afternoon organizing old physical pictures and negatives into boxes. Cleaning things up.
   / Good morning!!!! #194,775  
Good Evening,
Just checked the Vermont porch camera, we are getting slammed up there ! Not much happening in Ct compared to that ! Wish I could post a video but it is really rocking up there, hope we don’t lose power ! 🙏. I need electricity to make sawdust ! 😂


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   / Good morning!!!! #194,776  
finally was able to run Speedtest
.15 down
345 up
something clearly wrong
put in service call to FIOS, curious to see if they call back

Good luck with support….
I would try powering all the FIOS equipment off (and unplug the battery if you have a land line). Can’t hurt, and might cure it.

Here’s what I just got on my iPhone via WiFi.

   / Good morning!!!! #194,777  
Is there position your son trying out for?
Well, he wanted wide receiver, but I guess his hands weren't sticky enough. So he's playing running back and line backer.
Scrimmage tomorrow morning against the JV.

They eat roaches so I take them to the other side of the yard, haven't seen a roach here yet. Their bite/sting is no worse than a wasp sting.
Hope they don't replicate.
Ours do. In orders of magnitudes sometimes.

Good Morning!!!! Afternoon, actually. 70F @ 5:00PM. A mix of clouds and sun. High 71F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.


Looking at the heat pump installation, Paul, would there have been any difference in hanging it from the rafters to help isolate it from the ceiling joists noise wise? Otherwise, very impressive progress, especially since you're recently recovered from CV19.

Well, the camping trip went off the rails only a few miles from the start. We started from a friend's house, in fog, but came out above it at the first crossing of the Coast Range. Temperatures rose a lot, but nothing crazy. We had to cross US101 with no light or on/off ramps, a little stressful, but traffic was light. A few minutes later my buddy pulls of the road and just sits there, fumbling with their jacket. By the time I had my helmet and gloves off they were struggling to get out of their jacket, gloves, and helmet, too. Turns out they were badly over heating, and felt faint and were seeing black dots. Not good. I eventually got them sitting in the shade, moved the bikes down there, and got a text off to their daughter for a rescue pickup. A local rancher stopped and offered to help shuttle the motorcycle to their place for safe keeping. I think he really wanted to ride that little BMW. He borrowed my helmet, and I drove his Prius. Took us about 20 minutes over badly patched roads. I came back later with the van and drop gate trailer to recover the bike, being really glad I'd ferried the trailer down last month. Hung a bottle of good Bourbon on his gate as thanks, got a thank you back that evening.

Never figured out what ailed my friend, but I stuck around for the night and most of Sunday to keep an eye on 'em. We did some shopping Sunday, and things appeared back to normal. Reminded me a lot of the time I almost blacked out on a Los Angeles freeway while splitting traffic. I think it was low blood sugar in my case; a candy bar and an energy drink fixed me up in a half hour or so. Gittin' old ain't for the faint of heart.
Once a person has had heat stroke, it doesn't take much heat to relapse. And it can be a death sentence if not cooled down and treated. I don't know how long it takes to get back some tolerance.

My lovely wife and I took Della up to the mountains to swim in the deep holes of a mountain stream during a hike. Took a tennis ball this time, and had a blast watching swimming and fetching...I wade in just over my knees. Ended the day sitting under the picnic shelter at Yoder's eating a 4pm lunch...brought home a delicious strawberry pie.
Glad you and wifey are able to do those things. Prayers for your MIL and family helping her.

We have knob and tube in the old farmhouse. Plus added romex. Much of it is a wiring mess-- opened a wiring junction box and found 4-5 black wires (hot) also connected to one green wire. Green is typically ground but not for whoever wired THAT up. lol

Wife and I are back in NV this morning for Rigby's second puppy training class. The first class was heartbreaking-- he is terrified of other puppies/dogs! All the other pups socialize but he is afraid and wants to run away. We are hoping he can socialize with other pups/dogs better starting with the class today. Several weeks ago, a dog in the vet's office got very aggressive against him and it has obviously imprinted fear of other dogs. We are hopeful to get that out.

Will be back in CA by mid-day where it will be 95F and sunny.

Everyone have a great day!!!
I wonder if knob and tube killed squirrels that got into the attic???

Rigby a good dog, important to socialize him with other good dogs if possible. And people too!

I'm way behind. Trying to catch up. Watched a tiny bit of track events at Olympics.

Still dropping son off at football practice before 6AM.

Prayers for our team.

Here's our baby Yoda (Grogu)
Screenshot 2024-08-09 184456.jpg
   / Good morning!!!! #194,779  
Turned into an interesting day of sorts.
First stop was Safeway to take advantage of $5 Friday.

Came out to truck, load in our treasures. Attempt to start truck and nothing, completely dead. To be honest, I had a low battery warning from key fob, so figured that was it. Tried Sophie’s fob, still dead. And I mean totally dead. Swapped out battery from Sophie’s Pilot fob. Still dead.

Getting close for Sophie’s appointment so I got her an Uber. 🤙🤙

Called USAA road service. Guy was there in like 10 minutes. Told him I was going back into store to buy a new 2032 battery, lest we had 2 bad ones.
When I came out truck was running. Thanked him and he left. Drove to Dr office but still getting low battery message.
Decided to leave truck running and we drove home about 15 minutes later.
Sophie had a great visit, next followup next Friday.
Got home, shut truck off, got out to underload. Rear doors locked, couldn’t unlock. Attempted restart, dead as door nail again. So glad I didn’t turn off at Dr office.
Battery is only about year old.
Service appointment at dealer next Wednesday. Sure hope it starts
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