Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #19,741  
GM all, 4 degrees here, snow is blowing around, coffee is brewing, toast is browning, Egg beaters are frying, dinner is cooking in the crock pot. Heading for Goodwill soon, then back to building a new closet in the guest bedroom...rough framing, my favorite type of handyman work. Enjoy the day everyone.
   / Good morning!!!! #19,742  
a lion, tiger, panther and mountain lion just passed my house Thomas. Probably an omen...
By the sounds your not sending any good our way. :(
   / Good morning!!!! #19,743  
Good Morning from North Florida. Cloudy with a little sun today.
61 then slipping to 30 over night.
gonna hafta cover some of the tropicals.
Got a couple of early bearing peach trees in full blossom that'll need covering.

I like your line there, JD...227.
Reminds me of what my Sensei used to tell us.
"The winner of any Kumite never learns near as much as the loser."
"Respect your opponent. For while your are not training....He IS."
   / Good morning!!!! #19,744  
-11 this morning with windchill temps -33.these Sunny days sure can be deceiving looks nice till you walk out the door.We will have a high -1 today, that just isn't right.
   / Good morning!!!! #19,745  
Morning all. Was 14F when I headed to work this morning, dropping to 7F later on with a possiblity of snow
   / Good morning!!!! #19,746  
Good morning all. 20F this morning and that is the high, 10-12 for the low tonight moderate breeze will make for some interesting wind chills. They added rain and winter mix to the storm tomorrow and lowered the temp for Sundays storm. Need to get some chainsaw work done so I can kept the fireplace burning.
   / Good morning!!!! #19,747  
64F 1.41 inches rain last 24 hours, still raining this morning

So my philosophy:
Metal roof + rain = slippery place to work
Electricity + rain = not a favorable combination
Metal roof + electricity + rain = find something else to do.

I was able to test the output on all my new arrays yesterday, unfortunately it stated raining so I have all this electricity being produced and hooked into nothing. I was able to cash in my recyclables, visit HD, and refill my diesel and gas cans. Forgot to note the price of diesel to add to the discussion. I get billed monthly for my gas and diesel, then the company gets paid directly from my credit union. I get a nice statement showing how much of what product costing how much and when I bought.

Be safe
Have a great day

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!! #19,748  
Staying on topic: Sodamo, our yard wildlife consist of snakes, rats/mice, squirrels, possums, raccoons, armadillos, deer, pigs, birds, and assorted underground critters. What yard wildlife do you have on that Island.


Ours would be rather quiet by comparison. Feral pigs are a biggy, but keeping our central area fenced keeps them out and the dogs in. We do have mongoose, but rarely see them close to the house. Rats tend to favor areas like the bananas and the denser grass areas. Field mice have taken up a love of our bedroom as I've caught 6 so far this season. Cane toads are a challenge as they are toxic to the dogs and 2 of mine like them. Coqui frogs are becoming more numerous. I never get the birds right, but they change with the seasons. The mynas can be annoying when they stomp on the roof. The doves like to clean up after the dogs eat outside, most annoying are the cattle egrets as they become more and more populated and bolder, they will come within a foot of the tractor when I mow. No snakes, but little geckos. Not many mosquitoes normally, but the spiders like to leave webs just at head height.

Oh, and did I mention our 3 spoiled boxers? :)

David Sent from my iPad Air using TractorByNet
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Late getting on here, cold again here, have to look out for our critters outside. This morning, went out, chipped ice again around the sliding doors, thinking that Florida would be real nice......