Super Member
Had a nice evening and dinner out with old friends in Milton DE, near Lewes and the ocean.
Off later this morning to Plymouth Meeting PA, outside of Philadelphia to see my goddaughter. Lunch there and then on to my sister's home in Princeton NJ. And then tonight dinner out with friends.
Surprisingly warm here, had my chamois shirt on and almost had to find a golf shirt by day's end.
But then when the sun goes down the temps drop and I'll be glad to have that warm shirt.
Had a nice drive up, lots of fog, and people would just drive through it at high speeds with no capability of stopping in time if there was a traffic backup or whatever ahead. Just plow into the back of someone....so I slowed down a bit and kept going in and out of what seemed like cloud banks.
By Portsmouth it had cleared up. Took some pics while getting a fresh coffee at the little restaurant several miles out on the 17 mile long bridge. But this little Chromebook doesn't seem to have an SD slot so no way to load pics.
December 11th already. I feel like I'm on life's jet plane when I'd like to be in a slower Piper...
Sounds like such a nice trip...Visiting with friends and relatives this time of year.
About 55 up in this tree here in deer country...going to 70. Lots of spiders out this morning...think they scared off the deer.