Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #166,342  
Don, not good news, sorry you feel poorly and hope it goes away soon.

annoyed at myself, went shopping and forgot the ten dollar off coupon. Didn't think I'd buy 120 bucks worth today.
well when the 140 came up, I just groaned. I hate to waste money...not sure I have enough to buy to go back in a few days.
Maybe get some stuff for the freezer.

headed over to brother's son's home with a one gallon spray container of fluid film. I've used about half of it but never used in on my rusty Ram p/u after body
shop told me to sell it. Fluid film is good stuff, used it a lot on farm equipment. He wants to undercoat bottom of his p/u, which is one good use for it.
I also have some deruster I will give him. Lot cheaper to buy this stuff by the gallon and use a simple pump sprayer, plus the wand helps get in tight places.
Before this I used Boeshield T9 on boats. Used a lot of that in boat engine room, lube points in TideRite ladder, stuff exposed to water. Fluid film is a little less expensive
and seems well thought of. I already sprayed everything I could on rv underneath. Very pleased there is zero rust underneath the rv.
   / Good morning!!!! #166,343  
stock market is abysmal
instead of buying 4% CD's, I took 20 grand and bought a motorhome.
Textbook case of appreciating asset vs depreciating...

read a good investment quote today:
As Warren Buffett has been known to observe, only when the tide goes out do you see who’s been swimming naked.
   / Good morning!!!! #166,344  
Don, sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly. Hopefully you will recover soon.
Good reminder about staying safe.

I had a 100 dollar off coupon for the sprinter repair that I forgot to use the last time so wanted to use it on the charge cooler repair but it was expired. However our service writer that we have used before reduced the labor by 200 dollars instead. Pays to develop relationship.

The fluid film that Cody got smeared on him from the coating on the snowplow has finally worn off. Even double bath at the groomer did not get it off completely.
That stuff sticks
   / Good morning!!!! #166,345  
Good Morning - currently 45° going to 54°

PJ - prayers for you and the wife...

Went to Dermatologist this morning for a checkup -- just froze some things today..Do have to go back in 2 weeks to have a cyst removed from shoulder. It is right in the middle of my eagle scout tattoo.. I told the Doc that I'm little old to worry about that any more..

Have a great day..

   / Good morning!!!! #166,346  
68°F and no rain

Such a successful day yesterday will attempt a repeat today - 4 doors to build.

Sophie off later this morning with a couple of the neighbor ladies to an elderly community potluck. She made a banana cake. I don’t think of her as elderly, she’s only 69 until next week. Since our local restaurant closed and then the pandemic we just don’t see the folks we used to as often. I’m sure she will return with a story or two.

So the last door took over an hour and a half to build. I think I can improve a bit. Still will be an all day event.

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #166,347  
big tree coming down next door, when they start chipping I'm leaving on a long errand to get away from noise.
Will have no problem keeping track of barbecue gas; seems I have two gauges...

good thing I looked down at right front wheel. Not a lug nut; just a fake wheelcover nut but now I'm going over all of them.
I know the guy didn't want to bend anything by overtightening but I'm sending him this pic suggesting an additional quarter turn next time.

off to TSC with my birthday gift card, if only to fill up my little tank


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