Snow How goes your snow?

   / How goes your snow? #1  


Gold Member
Feb 23, 2007
Northern VT
L3400 HST
In the past 2 wks or so here in northern VT we've had a nice number of dumps. We had one dump of about 20", then another 9", lots of wind and about another 7" yesterday. I've gotten lots of chilly seat time.

It's been great having a blower again. Aside from eating through shear bolts (2,200' gravel driveway) I've been loving the snow. My only real issue is that my dealer gave me the manual for a 75" Meteor blower when I bought a 60" which caused me to buy the wrong size of shear bolts. I had gone out and picked up a bunch of 5/16" bolts and they don't fit. Pisser. I of course did not realize it until it was too late.

I've also learned I've got 3 shear bolts, not 2. Learned about the last one last night :)

I should take some pics. VT is looking amazing w/ heavily snow laden trees and all. How much fun are the rest of you having?
   / How goes your snow? #2  
We had a lot of snow here up until two weeks ago. I had to snow blow everyday for 5 straight days and then it pretty much ended. We still have snow at a depth of one foot on the ground. today is the first day above freezing this month, It got up to 34 F:mad:
   / How goes your snow? #3  
Snow is fun. I like that. Cold is OK too. But we have had two ice storms so I gotta tell ya, I ain't having much fun with that.:(
   / How goes your snow? #4  
We've been getting 4-5" at a time. I clear the driveway and it has warmed up enough temp wise to melt all the rest. Then it snows a little bit and I start all over. But I'm havin fun with the snow blower.
   / How goes your snow? #5  
ccsial said:
Snow is fun. I like that. Cold is OK too. But we have had two ice storms so I gotta tell ya, I ain't having much fun with that.:(

Unfortunately, we've had the ice too. Power is back on though. I discovered that a rock rake is great for the Ice. Turned my skating rink drive into a nice mix of rock and ice gravel with pretty good traction.
   / How goes your snow? #6  
We have had four storms in the past week and it started snowing here early this morning and is still snowing tonight. I am not sure just how much is on the ground, but we are close to 2 1/2 feet. Actually, got the snowmobile stuck a couple of times this afternoon, don't want to blame it on too much snow so it has to be the driver!

As far shearbolts go I have broken two this year. one the other day on a piece of fire wood, darn that will stop things quickly and today on a tow chain and that stops things also. I am down to my last bolt in the bag so it is off to the store in the morning.

We will be heading up your way next week, have to go over to Malone, NY to see my mother during the holidays so we will enjoy the north country snow for sure.
   / How goes your snow? #7  
Couldn't live without my bota and blower. Had a good go at the driveway today (500') and cleared a 50'x50' area at garage. So I'm totally dependant. We have already had in excess of 130cm/50" of snow so far. This more than we had all last year and there wasn't any snow until January.

My dealer was kind enough to provide a few spare shear bolts. One of them electrical taped to one of the hitch arms. Handy when needed. Just thought I'd pass that idea along.
   / How goes your snow? #8  
Last year when we got that dumping on Valentines day I knew I needed to get a tractor and blower. Having just built this house on top of a hill with about 1/2 mile of twisty gravel driveway it seams like there's always something to buy. I have an old Army Corps International 4wd dumptruck that I've used for the last couple of years.

I'm getting to hate snow. I know once I get a tractor that will change. This year we've had enough snow to where I'm starting to worry about places to put it. My Case backhoe is just too heavy to be driving up and down the snow covered road even with chains. Anyway I'm jelious, lol/
   / How goes your snow? #9  
We've had more snow here than in quite a while. 1.5 foot last weekend. I've used the blower about 6 times so far already. Last year I probably used it 6 times total!
   / How goes your snow? #10  
"I'm getting to hate snow. I know once I get a tractor that will change. This year we've had enough snow to where I'm starting to worry about places to put it."

I used to plow my driveway, about 500', but if we had a snowy winter it would get to the point where I too had nowhere to put it. The blower solved all of that plus there is no debris to clean up in the spring and no gouges in the lawn. For my driveway it's the only way to go. Now I like snow!