Mowing How high do you mow your lawn

   / How high do you mow your lawn #41  
That's a bit higher than mine. I set my deck to 3.14159265358979323846...

The markings go on for a while more, but that's all I can recollect.

2.71828182845904523536.. here as that gives a "natural" appearance. I tried i, but wasn't happy with the results. ;)

   / How high do you mow your lawn
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avguy said:
I posted these pics on the other site a while back. Bermuda...3 1/2". The front lawn shown here was renovated last year. I renovated a little over an acre in the back this year. Both were cut at 3 1/2" as I didn't want to have to change the deck height between the two. Next year they will both be cut right at 2".

Very nice lawn
   / How high do you mow your lawn #43  
I'm usually pretty sober when I mow my lawn.:)

Yuk, Yuk, Yuk. :laughing: Seems like nobody else caught that. Are you sure, with all that GRASS around? The question was how "high," not drunk.:confused2:
   / How high do you mow your lawn #44  
And since I traded lawnmowers, I'm mowing mine at 2.5" instead of 2.75". At least that's according to the mower manuals.:D
   / How high do you mow your lawn #45  
I read a lot of comments and there were some excellent suggestions that I wish I had read 20 years ago. Another good resource is Penn State where they will tell you all you all you have to know about grass. Nice thing is they deal will both annual (southern) and perrenial grasses.

Research — Center for Turfgrass Science

For my lawn which has to take a lot of tractor traffic I use a mixture of rye and Kentucky Blue. Rye is very tough but not rhysometic so if you do injure it it will die. Bluegrass is quite tender but is rhysometic so it will send off chutes even from injured plants. Both of these grasses like to be about two -2.5 inches high. In the spring and fall I cut the lawn just a little shorter 1.5 - 1.75 inches and more often right after fertilization. This encourages the rhyzome action of the bluegrass. By Mid June I start letting it go longer.

I know there are some grasses like bentgrass that have to be mowed so that it grows no higher than one inch. I understand it has to be mowed no less than every other day but it is among the toughest and most resilient of all the grasses. I go by someone who has a lawn of it in Rye, NH. Its lovely but not for me though as I have alot of other stuff going on.
   / How high do you mow your lawn #46  
Well let me tell you, I mow mine at 2.35 inches and after every other pass I measure it!:D:D:D:mur:
   / How high do you mow your lawn #47  
How high to set your mower. 2-3 inches in spring to prune and stimulate growth and 4-5 inches as it gets dryer so as to keep it green and thick. Also, I find all the rock outcropping take the edge of my blades.
   / How high do you mow your lawn #48  
It is very simple, in a very hot climate you want your grass a little longer to prevent burning of grass. Another way of judging. Springtime to beginning of summer you can cut grass short the hotter it gets leave a little longer to prevent burning.

   / How high do you mow your lawn #49  
How high to set your mower. 2-3 inches in spring to prune and stimulate growth and 4-5 inches as it gets dryer so as to keep it green and thick. Also, I find all the rock outcropping take the edge of my blades.

Pretty close to what I like to do. I'll add that in the fall I lower the blade. Last cut of the year is the lowest cut of the year. I find this prevents leaves from sticking around and also grass fares better over the winter. (less matting and mold).
   / How high do you mow your lawn #50  
I try not to damage the brush cutter, in my rural area, I use about 6" to keep from hitting stumps, rocks and other damaging stuff.