How is the virus affecting you?

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   / How is the virus affecting you? #171  
And speaking of Briggs and Stratton, I just came in from mowing the lawn. I wore my facemask. Of course I wore one before I ever heard of Covid-19. Dang allergies.

Man! I never had allergies until a few years ago. Now it gets a bit worse each year. Not too bad right now, but real soon. AHCHOO! And a runny nose. I take zyrtec daily now on Dr. recommendation. Started last week. Nose seems fairly dry now, so seems to be working. :thumbsup:
   / How is the virus affecting you? #172  
I've never listened to ONE WORD of this fake virus scare. All the numbers are lies do your own research, NOTHING they have said about predictions and amount of deaths has been correct. NOTHING the W.H.O. has said has been correct.
Hospitals are NOT overwhelmed across the country.
NY did NOT need the number of respirators they needed
NY and LA did NOT need extra beds as field hospitals have gone unused and not taken down
The two hospital ships were NOT needed.
The percentage of deaths was skewed by lowing the number of infected to make the death percentage higher.
No matter what people die of they were counted as a virus death BECAUSE THAT STATE GO MORE MONEY!

This has all been fake stimulated by the news media.

US hospitals getting paid to list patients as Covid-19 - Accounting Weekly

Corona - Copy.pdf | DocDroid

   / How is the virus affecting you? #174  
Obviously your stuck on paper money tied to a stock market. Recovered? LOL. 22 plus million people out of work, small businesses with no life lines, people without health insurance...and oh.. the Federal Government just pushed a couple of trillion dollars down the road.

The whole economy shutdown about a month ago. Where you been?
Since this is one of the few virus threads allow to exist could you please lighten up?
It does provide info I'm not finding elsewhere such as on ground reports by TBN'ers (such as you) I've come to trust.

My opinion: They focused on a mask protecting the person who wears it and therefore if you were not wearing an N95 or N100 mask it was worthless. Several of the threads right here on TBN discussed the size of the particles a person sneezed or coughed when it reached the other person. The medical community eventually began focusing on the fact the particles that are sneezed or coughed can be stopped by simple material, N95 and N100 masked were not needed, if the infected but asymptomatic carrier, meaning, if everyone wears a mask when around others, everyone is protected.

Unfortunately, there are still people who think a mask protects them. It doesn't. It protects others. Not wearing a mask is height of self-centeredness.
I viewed it as :
1. With present standards of use once and dispose there was NO WAY first responders, front line medical personnel etc. could have enough masks. Just like TP being sucked up in the panic.
2. Obviously a tight fitting mask purged would protect the wearer

And virtually all the time they write about "masks" they mean the disposable paper masks versus

A GOOD mask with replaceable filters.

So they made a great effort to diminish the demand for masks because they knew darn well we would have hoarded them for ourselves.
   / How is the virus affecting you? #175  
My opinion: They focused on a mask protecting the person who wears it and therefore if you were not wearing an N95 or N100 mask it was worthless. Several of the threads right here on TBN discussed the size of the particles a person sneezed or coughed when it reached the other person. The medical community eventually began focusing on the fact the particles that are sneezed or coughed can be stopped by simple material, N95 and N100 masked were not needed, if the infected but asymptomatic carrier, meaning, if everyone wears a mask when around others, everyone is protected.

Unfortunately, there are still people who think a mask protects them. It doesn't. It protects others. Not wearing a mask is height of self-centeredness.

Yeah, all the “medical professionals” have been right about “everything” . :rolleyes:
   / How is the virus affecting you? #176  
Since this is one of the few virus threads allow to exist could you please lighten up?
It does provide info I'm not finding elsewhere such as on ground reports by TBN'ers (such as you) I've come to trust.

I viewed it as :
1. With present standards of use once and dispose there was NO WAY first responders, front line medical personnel etc. could have enough masks. Just like TP being sucked up in the panic.
2. Obviously a tight fitting mask purged would protect the wearer

And virtually all the time they write about "masks" they mean the disposable paper masks versus

A GOOD mask with replaceable filters.

So they made a great effort to diminish the demand for masks because they knew darn well we would have hoarded them for ourselves.

So, they deliberately LIED for the “greater good”. What’s new? :mad:
   / How is the virus affecting you? #177  
For Texas:
Sales Tax Free
“Unfortunately, strong spring storms, wildfires and the upcoming hurricane season will still threaten Texans in the months ahead, and so it’s important that homes and businesses have the supplies they need to face these emergencies,” Hegar said in a statement.

Hegar clarified that products bought online still qualify for the exemption. He urged residents who visit retailers in person to follow social distancing guidelines.

A list of emergency supplies that qualify for the sales tax exemption can be found on the comptroller's website, including information on maximum prices for each item before the exemption no longer applies. Examples include household batteries, fire extinguishers and first aid kits under $75 as well as portable generators under $3,000.”

Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday

   / How is the virus affecting you? #178  
I'm a bit miffed at Briggs & Stratton right now...
For something (different) to do while staying home...A neighbor said I could have a go kart frame that had been sitting under a lean to on their barn...I went and got it last evening and it is a Murray frame and other than a seized engine it is in very good shape...doing some research on the brand they are out of business and were bought out by B&S....turns out that they wanted nothing to do with the brand and actually destroyed the entire stock of the parts inventory...(rather than liquidating it via a third party vendor and keep the parts in the market place)...

It originally had a 6 HP Tecumseh...I have a spare Predator 212cc to put on it...
   / How is the virus affecting you? #180  
I'm a bit miffed at Briggs & Stratton right now...
For something (different) to do while staying home...A neighbor said I could have a go kart frame that had been sitting under a lean to on their barn...I went and got it last evening and it is a Murray frame and other than a seized engine it is in very good shape...doing some research on the brand they are out of business and were bought out by B&S....turns out that they wanted nothing to do with the brand and actually destroyed the entire stock of the parts inventory...(rather than liquidating it via a third party vendor and keep the parts in the market place)...

It originally had a 6 HP Tecumseh...I have a spare Predator 212cc to put on it...

I bought one of those for $99 at Harbor Freight for our log splitter after the B&S croaked. It was a direct bolt in replacement. :thumbsup:
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