I am ticked..!!!!

   / I am ticked..!!!! #61  
" I have even taken I picture of the tape measure mark on my phone!"

Good idea, I'll have to borrow that one...especially when I'm climbing up and down and up and down a ladder. :mad:
   / I am ticked..!!!! #62  
RSKY? Have you ever considered that you are simply heuristic?

It's OK Mate... we're here for you!
   / I am ticked..!!!! #63  
RSKY? Have you ever considered that you are simply heuristic?

It's OK Mate... we're here for you!

I am man enough to admit I had to look that word up to know its meaning. How was that for a heuristic approach?:D
   / I am ticked..!!!! #64  
" I have even taken I picture of the tape measure mark on my phone!"

Good idea, I'll have to borrow that one...especially when I'm climbing up and down and up and down a ladder. :mad:

I have forgotten measurements for years. First I started writing them down on a piece of scrap wood. Then I would always lose my carpenter pencil and play "which pocket & where the ****" with it. So I drilled a hole in it and run a piece of paracord through it. First it was in a loop like a necklace but that'll get a klutz like me choked I found out!
So now the string gets tied to my belt loop. I can always go to that belt loop, find the string and pull or follow it to my pencil.
My trouble now seems to be walking into the shop, coming to a dead stop, and trying to remember what I came in there for!
   / I am ticked..!!!! #65  
On my front door I have a clothes pin like thing to hold notes to remind me of things B4 leaving the house.
On the car's dash I also have clips to hang notes, shopping list etc.
For some reason all my shop pencils, markers etc all end up on my dresser top.
I must have 12 measuring tapes but never one at hand.
Have nice little handy note books that fit in my shirt pocket just great for noting measurements, now if I only could find them!

I'm 76 and can promise you it does not get better. (maybe 77 LOL, maybe 75?))
   / I am ticked..!!!! #66  
I must have 12 measuring tapes but never one at hand.
I have gotten to where each car has a tape in it, each golf cart has one in it, a couple in the house, a couple in the shop, etc and they mostly stay put. The ones for the cars are all labeled as to which car they belong with.
Finding a bunch of 4 packs of tape measures (a 25', a 16', a 12' and a 6') on sale at Lowes for $0.80 really helped with that though.

Now, most of the time, I can find one.

Aaron Z
   / I am ticked..!!!! #67  
Then there was the time I got cold outside and brought a couple of wood pieces in that I was assembling for a wooden boat project. With dear wife out of town visiting relatives for a week figured I was safe. Ran about 8 woods screws that I had measured the pieces twice for to make sure they were short enough. 2 pieces of 3/4" wood. Makes 1 1/2" thickness. Box of wood screws says 1 1/4". Perfect. Until two things (well three) got noticed unexpectedly. 1. Said assembly is now firmly attached to tabletop in dining room. 2. Box says 1 3/4". Not 1 1/4". And the 3rd? Wife has always really loved her expensive unnmarred dining room table and is coming home early!
Her treasured dining room table??? OK, you're truly screwed. Let us know if you need a place to sleep for the next few years. And, even if she eventually 'forgives' you, don't think this incident won't come up regularly as a reminder for the rest of your life. I'd suggest just getting an RV and moving on.
   / I am ticked..!!!! #68  
I am getting in the habit of forgetting measurements too. Now I am trying to develop the habit of writing down the measurement, either on the board, my palm, whatever. I have even taken I picture of the tape measure mark on my phone! I do more recording of things now on my phone especially things I need when I need to go to home depot or where I parked, or... I forgot but there are more.
I do the same thing. I take visual notes with my phone all the time. Phone is always in my pocket so grabbing a snapshot is easy and clear. Almost a perfect system so long as I remember that's where the measurement is recorded.
   / I am ticked..!!!!
  • Thread Starter

Since my bathroom is totally screwed I've been taking showers in the utility room bath. That one isn't big enough to cuss a cat in. So last night my wife insisted that I use her "foot file" on my feet before she rubbed lotion on them (I know, I know but it feels wonderful). So I sat on the edge of her tub and sanded my feet until there was only a thin layer of skin remaining. When I tried to wash the resulting skin dust down the drain I broke her shower head off. Now she is ticked at me and I've got to replace that before I finish mine. I have another post coming up to explain why mine didn't get finished this weekend. So be looking for it shortly.

   / I am ticked..!!!! #70  

Since my bathroom is totally screwed I've been taking showers in the utility room bath. That one isn't big enough to cuss a cat in. So last night my wife insisted that I use her "foot file" on my feet before she rubbed lotion on them (I know, I know but it feels wonderful). So I sat on the edge of her tub and sanded my feet until there was only a thin layer of skin remaining. When I tried to wash the resulting skin dust down the drain I broke her shower head off. Now she is ticked at me and I've got to replace that before I finish mine. I have another post coming up to explain why mine didn't get finished this weekend. So be looking for it shortly.


Lennyzx11 has a new RV and I'm sure he has extra space for you.