Man's Best Friend

   / Man's Best Friend #2  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Dogs are great. Why don't you ever read stories about "man rescued by cat"?
   / Man's Best Friend #3  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

You're right! I just did a google search for the phrase "rescued by a cat" and came up with nothin'! "
Good doggie!
   / Man's Best Friend #4  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Though i don't know where to poin tyou to look for it, I read of a story where an elderly woman taught her cat to dial 911 on her big number phone, on command.

Sopposedly the woman fell in the kitchen and the woman was able to get the cat to actually do it.... go figure... my wifes 8 ( yes count them 8! ) inside cats would probably wait till I passed out then eat me... The rescuieers would come to my house and find me partiall drug under the couch or something... my luck..

   / Man's Best Friend #5  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Actually, I've read of a few occasions where people have been saved from fire by cats. The cats meowed and meowed and woke them up to alert them about the fire.

Of course, another explanation would be that the cat was just saving its own hide, and if it could figure out how doors work, it would have escaped without bothering its 'owner'.

I believe it was Churchill who observed that dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals.
   / Man's Best Friend #6  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

I heard a prayer once that went something like this: "Dear Lord, help me to be the person my dog thinks I am". I hope I'm not the person that my wifes cat thinks I am /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif
   / Man's Best Friend #7  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Thanks. I had heard the story but couldn't find the link. He's almost a neighbor of mine, although I don't know him from Adam.

Give that dog an extra pig ear, tonight!
   / Man's Best Friend #8  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Yes dogs are great.

My neighbor was telling me that he used his dog to go fetch gas. On day he was out past the back forty and ran out of gas. His border collie was with him so he sent it home. "Go get mom", the dog ran home and raised his wifes attention. She drove out. She said she figured either he was hurt or ran out of gas. Fortuanately it was just a gas run.

Just anouther true story of a dogs usefullness.
   / Man's Best Friend #9  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

It is really nice to have a good buddy. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
   / Man's Best Friend #10  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Saw the same story on the local news last night David. It was unclear from the paper but on the news they showed the tractor he was pinned under. It was the Ford N in the picture. Steering wheel was bent and obviously no ROPS. Yes, he is a very luck man /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif