Man's Best Friend

   / Man's Best Friend
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Re: Man\'s Best Friend

<font color="red">Hope you bought him or her a beer! </font>
<font color="blue"> but it was 10:30 in the morning </font>


(from the movie Mr. Mom)
   / Man's Best Friend #22  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Yeah, they're more than just pets, they are full fledged members of the family - and in our case probably the best behaved family members. Our dog died a month ago at age 15 1/2 and I still get tears in my eyes walking past the grave /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif I sure loved that dog.

I sure know the feeling. When we moved to the new property a year ago, we moved the grave of the sweetest dog we ever had. She now has a new spot to share with us and even though we lost her ten years ago there are a tear or two shed.

In the old house we had just bought a new electric self cleaning stove. The wife started the cleaning cycle and went into the basement to do the wash. Tess came down to let her know there was something wrong. The house was full of smoke and the stove was melting itself. The fire department said that a few more minutes and the cabinets would have caught on fire.
   / Man's Best Friend #23  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Last year I was putting some new sod down with the help of my wife's cousin. He brought along his two daughters--both old enough to walk, but not by much.

The neighbor's dog came over to visit our dogs and decided to stick around and watch us work. The older of the two kids started to walk down the driveway. The dog went down the driveway and started gently nudging her in order to make her come back to where we were working. She was never out of our site, but she was obviously far enough away that the dog decided she needed to come back. It was a facinating thing to see.

   / Man's Best Friend #25  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Sure glad that worked out well. I have had the moments when one of the gang were missing, minutes seem like hours when searching.

Mike )</font>

One winter, in the middle of a blizzard, we took in a 12 year old golden named Amber. Gawd did that dog wander! We actually changed her name to Ambler! But the very next morning, with about four feet of soft snow on the ground and the temperature dropping into the single digits, she turned up missing yet again!

The wind was blowing wicked hard that morning, not only giving us a nasty wind chill, but obliterating all tracks. So Tam and I donned our foul weather gear and snowshoes, locked all the dogs in the house, and set off in search of that old girl. Must have been out there three hours calling and searching, before we finally decided to go home and warm up before round two.

And there she was! That fat old girl had gotten herself stuck under the guest bed and was woofing for us to come free her! Sure didn't stop her from wandering, though...

   / Man's Best Friend #26  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( And some people call them "pets" derisively, like they were some sort of messy hobby!)</font>

I breed championship German Shepherd Dogs. AFAIC, being a pet is about the highest calling a dog can aspire to.

Yeah, they're incredible.
   / Man's Best Friend #27  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

</font><font color="blue" class="small">( The dog went down the driveway and started gently nudging her in order to make her come back to where we were working. She was never out of our site, but she was obviously far enough away that the dog decided she needed to come back. It was a facinating thing to see.)</font>

Our German Shepherds will herd kids. They're naturals. And the kids never know they're being herded.

Now watching them try to herd cats, that's funny.
   / Man's Best Friend #28  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

Well, my goofy cattledog has been known to herd crickets. It's quite a sight! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
   / Man's Best Friend #29  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

My first male white German Shepard didnt like anyone but me, i used to take hime to work with me and hed ride the TD15 Dresser, sit on the cranes catwalk pouring concrete or ride in the excavator bucket. Plus i felt really safe when i had to fire the occasional laborer for any reason . I had one pull out a knife and threaten to cut my throat. I had a pink slip in his paycheck and he opened it before he left. My superintendant had told me that day to run the 580 Case hoe and spread gravel and dig a few trenches for he utility folks. About 45 minutes into spreading i saw the laborer comming up o the machine. I stopped and tried to explain that he had a weeks probation and the fella went nuts. He pulled out his knife and the big 90 pound dog came off the machine and did his best to maul him. I got him off the fella and he tried it again and i had the chunk the dog with a dirt clod to get him to let go. The laborer was then fired permanant. Later on my supervisor had told me the man had severely stabbed another fella a few years earlier. It made me think about how lucky i was to have this dog. The same dog also snapped at me one night i was walking down to the pond i tried to shove him out of the way he snapped again and turnd sideways and walked me backwards. then he turned back to the trial adn started pawing. i got the light out and it was a big cotton mouth right where i was gonna step next. He passed away later that year but i now have his son and grandaughter.
I do alot of trading and work in my home shop and if someone comes by and the dog doesnt like them or acts funny around them I will not do any further business with them. THe last few months my new dog goes nuts when a certain person rides the garbage truck. In the past i though i heard the fella barking at Champ. Well the otherday mom called me at work and told me that the garbage man was barking at the dog and throwin rocks at him. This is a dead end road and on the way back the idiot was hangin a steel pole off the truck with a rag on it poking at the dog. I saw this recently and reported it but nothing has happened. Ive been thinking of my about my cousin puting the hornets nest in the garbage cans for a little getting even thing. It bothers me how some folks get off on tormenting an animal.
I had a friend that told his wife you can talk abou me my car, my kids but youd better not say aword about my dog lol.
   / Man's Best Friend #30  
Re: Man\'s Best Friend

The ONLY THING our cat does is stink up the litter pan that's under the computer desk, especially when I am sitting at the computer, like RIGHT NOW!!!!!