My State !

   / My State ! #12  
It's nuts here too. Thing I have noticed is that it gets nuts whether we're getting 1" or 12". Just the mere appearance of winter precipitation freaks everyone out and shuts the place down. It's hard being a transplanted New Englander living in the south this time of year -- I almost can't contain my contempt....
   / My State ! #13  
Last year here in Maryland we hot 2 feet and people lost electric in places . A guy made it to the 7-11 and was pissed off they had no ice . He didnt want things to go bad from his refrigerator .................................. I looked over and said , " what about putting snow in your cooler ? " The guy didnt say a word and left .
   / My State ! #14  
It's nuts here too. Thing I have noticed is that it gets nuts whether we're getting 1" or 12". Just the mere appearance of winter precipitation freaks everyone out and shuts the place down. It's hard being a transplanted New Englander living in the south this time of year -- I almost can't contain my contempt....

A few years ago I got pulled over driving through your state in January. The cop asked why I was driving so fast. I replied questioning him "What do you mean fast? I'm going 10 under the limit" He said "Don't you see that snow?". I didn't mean to, but I laughed when he asked if I didn't see the snow. I said "Where I come from that's just snow flurries, it is too warm and its not sticking to the road". I was going 55 in a 65 MPH zone and passing everyone else on the road. He checked my DL,reg, and ins. and let me go telling me to slow down.
   / My State ! #15  
In the mind of someone wanting something for nothing, school districts are ripe for the picking these days. Better to call the day rather than to take the slightest chance.
   / My State ! #16  
Sadly I live in Maryland, the state that sprays a liquid salt solution on the roads 8 hours before the first flake hits the ground. Meantime the traffic is removing the dried salt from driving on it, we had 1 to 11/2 inch snow, a winter weather advisory was issued, and you guessed it they're spraying salt, and salting the road, feels like driving on a gravel road, no wonder vehicles rust prematurely.
   / My State ! #17  
Some counties around Atlanta stared spraying brine yesterday
   / My State ! #18  
I saw them brining the roads here today. In fact, they brined our country road for the first time I can remember. Be interesting to see what effect it has. They normally don't get out to plow it until a couple days past the storm, by which time traffic has compacted the snow base into some nasty thick washboard ice.
   / My State ! #19  
Better be safe than sorry,but some like to push the panic button tho.
   / My State ! #20  
Similar to the massive sale of plywood when a hurricane is predicted. What happened to your plywood from the last storm?

It's the same thing with the hordes of people that run out and buy a snow shovel a few hours before the snowstorm hits. Do people throw away their shovels when they finish shoveling?