Need input - gravel

   / Need input - gravel #31  
................. It will take time and practice.

It's amazing how an experienced operator can smooth things out.


Good comments Ken.

Add, it is also amazing how quick an inexperienced operator can smooth things out. Just go at it like rolling out pie dough...push or pull it to where you need it, and whatever works. :D
   / Need input - gravel
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A few things contributed to the uneven spread ,
1. It was indeed clumpy, quite a bit of moisture,
2. The driveway is very wide (14-15 ft ) so there was overlap between the first spread on the right side top to bottom , and the second spread on the left side top to bottom. (created quite a hump in the middle running down driveway).
3.The driver raised is bed too high on last run , misjudged how far over on left side he needed to be and hesitated when he started clipping tree branches running down left side of driveway.

looking down Driveway it naturally slopes left to right slight grade , so 6,8 inches were deposited on left side (already the high side just my luck) for reasons stated above. and 2-4 inches deposited on low side. (if it had been the other way around it might have automatically leveled perfect.

I've manged to use FEL with a lot of short back and forth 8 foot movements to more evenly spread working back and forth across the width of driveway (the short forward and backward jerky motions were not pleasant as you could generate no real rhythm and made for a long day , but It has lessened the hump and provided somewhat of a more rough consistency in Depth along the whole 200 feet as I was able to continue the 8 foot motion backdragging across the width pulling 8" and hump to the low side on the right.

I will next try Chain link or what others have suggested to drag lengthwise top to bottom , and bottom to top (will probably be a much more pleasant operation getting to work lengthwise now rather than the width wise and all that back and forth motion which I had to contend with yesterday.
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   / Need input - gravel #33  
A rear blade with gauge wheels may be worth looking into as grading will be an ongoing project as the years go by. :thumbsup:

Using the bucket for long stretches of leveling with a short wheel base tractor can become very tiresome as well as difficult for even the best of operators.:D
   / Need input - gravel
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A rear blade with gauge wheels may be worth looking into as grading will be an ongoing project as the years go by. :thumbsup:

Using the bucket for long stretches of leveling with a short wheel base tractor can become very tiresome as well as difficult for even the best of operators.:D

On my list , (I need to recover from the purchase of the Paynes debris forks This past month) Next investment will have to be a thumb for backhoe first As I just finished road through woods to tap sugerbush and now need to move logs around for winter firewood Cutting (hardwoods) , Fall evening bonfires and camp wood (Pines) , wood chips for hen house (Larger branches) and goats Browse (smaller branches ). We try to waste nothing on property. Wife and I both feel we are just stewards of the land as it will be here long after we have departed this earth.

So for now , it's FEL and hand rake for Driveway maintenance

Champagne taste , Beer Wallet. :laughing:
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   / Need input - gravel #35  
Champagne taste , Beer Wallet. :laughing:

I take it that you are imbibing the "Champagne of Beer":thumbsup:

I only drink beer when it has been a good bottle day!:ashamed:
   / Need input - gravel
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I take it that you are imbibing the "Champagne of Beer":thumbsup:

I only drink beer when it has been a good bottle day!:ashamed:

Everyday is a good bottle day for a Belhaven Scottish Ale. Especially after spreading Gravel with hand Rake.

Approximately whereabouts in Nova Scotia are you ?

My Ancestors are Acadians from Yarmouth County , Sur name DuLong ,
first Marriage blessed by Father Jean-Mandé Sigogne at Sainte-Anne-du-Ruisseau in 1800's Most of my family hailed from East of Tusket. Originally known as "Eel Brook".
   / Need input - gravel #37  
Ahh- I'm a good Alberta boy married a Nova Scotia girl from Liverpool and retired out here to a nice little town called Bridgewater on the LaHave River.:thumbsup:
   / Need input - gravel #38  
just an FYI 2b or b2 gravel is already 95% compacted once dumped out of the truck. The settling of the stone into the subbase will create the dips.

I didn't know how to do anything with the FEL when I bought my first tractor. Now I know how much damage can be done in a relatively short period of time. It is gravel, your not going to hurt anything by spreading it incorrectly, you will just make a little more work. I believe it is through this process that you will learn what does and does not work with the fel.

If you have a tooth bar on your FEL you may want to remove it when backdragging with the bucket. Before long you will have a feather touch on that FEL.
   / Need input - gravel #39  
Did my driveway for the first time this past fall. Driver couldn't spread the stone, so I had to move and level 40 ton with the FEL. Took a couple of hours to get the hang of it, but was much easier then I expected. I dumped and then back dragged. Then went over one more time in float.

Came out ok, but still had some waves and ridges. I didn't have the cash to get a BB or rake, and really didn't want to hand rake 700 foot. Asked a friend for advise, and he told me to use an old bed boxspring. Yes, a boxspring with the fabric cut off. I thought it would never work, but I tried it. And to my surprise it worked like a charm. I really couldn't beleive it. I used it after winter and it spruced the driveway right up. And, it was free.

   / Need input - gravel #40  
Last fall i had 4 semi loads ordered for the drive and went to the trouble of tracking the D7 all the way back home ready to level it , When i got there the belly dump had layed it perfectly , Did'nt have to touch it....There are still drivers out there !