New Mailbox

   / New Mailbox #1  


Super Member
Oct 20, 2005
Foothills of the Giant Sequoia's, California
55HP 4WD KAMA 554 and 4 x 4 Jinma 284
I told you guys it was a busy weekend for us. Among other things, we finally got our address for the rural property so Mrs. 3RRL ran down to the Fire department to order the address plaque. They are blue flourescent so they can be seen easily by emergency vehicles. When it came in this weekend, she asked if we could put up our mailbox and the address.

So I got out the lumber and sawed up the pieces and screwed it all together. Then she sealed and stained it and I bolted the steel mailbox onto it. It's nothing special, but she really likes it.

This is a back view of it before going into the ground.

And this is the front view showing our new street address sign.

   / New Mailbox
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So now I had to dig the hole for it so I tried out my Leinbach Post Hole digger. I got the PHD and hooked that up to the Kama. Boy, you can't believe how easy it was to switch over from the boxblade, the brush hog and then to the PHD using Pat's EZ system.

Then we went up to the road entrance and dug a hole with it.
The mailbox is only 6' tall so I figured I'd need a 2' to 3' deep hole to have it end up around 3' to 3-½' off the ground. In talking with the Post Office, I was surprised there no specific requirements or standards for installation? The only thing they did was send the mailman out and he put a big rock where he wanted the post, so that's where I put it.

   / New Mailbox #3  
Hey Rob,

Looks like you got a lot of work done over the weekend. Great looking mailbox there... It's nice to be able to install the mailbox right in front of the property. I have to put mine 4 miles away:mad:.

   / New Mailbox
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After removing some of the loose sand with a coffee can, we stuck the post in and proped it up with some rocks and straightened it. Then we mixed up some concrete. Prior to that, I had cup the top and bottom off a 5 gallon plastic bucket to use as a mold so the concrete could be poured above ground about 6". I did this so when we weed-eat around it we will not cut into the wooden post itself. Then I will cut the plastic off the concrete when it's set. Wes also got to put his initials in it.
So this is what it looks like in the ground. We like it.

This is how it looks from the front.

   / New Mailbox
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The post hole digger ran in there pretty quick except a couple of small rocks. I ran it just at about idle speed. As you can see, there was mostly soft earth for the first 1-½' and the it got into the harder decomposed granite before reaching depth.
Mrs 3RRL didn't get it from start to finish, but she managed to get a little video of it drilling the hole. It will take a while to download, hope you can view it.

   / New Mailbox #6  

Been keeping busy I see.....

Hope your mailbox lives a longer life than ours used to. Farm kids just love to use rural mailboxes around here for batting practice and to see if their firecrackers will destroy them....

Besides, an ocassional combine or chisel plow like to hit ours too.

This was a problem until I took a large mailbox and put a smaller one inside. I filled the cavity between each with high density mortar which gives me about 4" between the outer box and the inner box all the way around. Then I mounted the large mailbox on a steel lazy susan which I mounted to the top of the wooden post. I really wanted to mount the box on a 8" diameter heavy walled pipe in 4 feet of concrete, but I was told by the road commision that if their snowplow or road grader hit the pipe, I'd be responsible for the damage to their equipment (not that I don't pay for it already with property taxes). I wanted a steel pipe so the friendly farm kids in their parents car would be there, attached to the pipe when the sherrif came.

Anyway, I haven't lost the post yet or the mailbox, which, by the way, is Postmaster General Approved (I left the front door off the big box and the little inside box is complete with door).

This Fourth of July about 10:00pm I heard a big bang and shattering glass. Seems some farm kids (or city kids out for some fun) were driving down the road smashing mailboxes with a ball bat out the side of a car. When they got to mine, the bat came back and broke the back window in the car and left a big dent in the side. Wonder how they explained that to mom and dad. Too bad.:D
   / New Mailbox
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Your posts always crack me up...leave it to you to build an "above ground" bomb shelter...hahaha
It's really too bad you have trouble with kids like that, but you're not alone. We have found bonfires in the middle of the culdesac right at our road's entrance. But luckily, the neighbors have not had any damage to their mail boxes yet.
And I don't have to worry out here in So Cal about a combine or snowplow running over my mailbox...maybe just some crazy hippie in a VW bus that's lost looking for his weed patch? LOL

BTW, I like your new avatar with that Triumph in it.
   / New Mailbox #8  
Rob that's a nice looking piece of handiwork.

Around here it wouldn't last long I'm afraid. The kids drive up and down the road since the speed limit is 45 MPH they can get a pretty good clip going before they haul out the baseball bat. If I knew they were coming ahead of time I would love to fill my box full of set concrete.
   / New Mailbox
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You got that same problem in Ohio as Daryl does in Michigan? What's up with that?
No wonder those states always produce great ball players? I've got one thing going for me, I live at the very end of the cudesac so at least they'll have to slow down to make the curve. Mine will more than likely produce a hocky player practicing on roller blades.:)
   / New Mailbox #10  
Don't get me wrong I don't gripe about doing maintenance around the home. However, busted mailboxes and picking up empty beer cans in my culvert don't make for the start of a good day.