PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system

   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system #11  
For the price of a Petrogen your getting into brand name plasma terratory.

I just dont see the benefit of a thousand dollar plus o/a type tourch? Is it worth the extra just so you can burn gas instead of ace? I think theres a reason that you dont see these things everywhere, if they were better or cheaper to run, everybody'd be using them, like the scrap places.

A large enough OA torch will do almost everything you see in the vids. Blowing through the large gaps between pieces is a nice trick however.

A quick search on the welding boards turned up this:

WeldingWeb™ - Welding forum for pros and enthusiasts - View Single Post - petrogen gasoline torch

Our Ironworker Union bought the Petrogen Torch. The salesman can get it to do all sorts of wonderful things just like it was a circus act. Our resident welding instructors tried to stage a demonstration with it and although they followed the video and instructions closely they couldn't get that thing to do chit.
Now it sits neglected in a shack out back.

I was disappointed in the outcome. Had to drive 30 miles for the demo and it was a bust.

I think thats pretty close to the truth

RE:prices (from the miller board)

Just got my info pack and talked to the rep in medicine hat. seem really cool but a little pricey($2100 for hand torch 100ft. of hose , tank, tool kit and 2 tips $69 bucks each and $850 for a torch for my bevelers. so almost 3grand Canadian) Expensive but cool! Jef
   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system #14  
I was researching these a few months ago when I ran across an add on another welding board. As already mentined, they are pricy.

I think it was like $1999 their cheapest kit. Considering what you get it seemed way too high for me. The torch cant be all that more expensive to manufacture than a oxy/acc setup, and the can looks like just a steel gas can with a hand pump and some saftey features. The can has to be cheaper to make than an acc tank. When you can buy a decient set of torches and own you own tanks for less than half the cost, I couldnt justify it, especally since you still have to provide your own oxy tank.

For just a home hobbiest that will only use maybe a tank of acc a year, it would tak forever to pay back the added cost. But if it is as good as they claim, someone who goes through several per year, it could be worth it
   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system
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   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system #16  
Judging from the literature, it seems like it's popular among rescue/recovery operations.
   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system #17  
i just saw that there is an ad in the local Thrifty Nickel for one of these. He says he paid $1300 new and wants $600. I wish I had $600 lying around burning a hole in my pocket.

The ad says the torch has never been used. I'm wondering what this says about it. Are these torches really the cure-all that the propaganda claims?
   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system
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If you do a lot of cutting, it would be worth it. I haven't heard anything about anybody welding or brazing with it yet.
   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system #19  
Judging from the literature, it seems like it's popular among rescue/recovery operations.

They seem to be the only ones who really took to it. They think that a jug of gas is safer than a bottle of ACE? Dont know about that. From what ive been reading, these petrogen systems have a bad habit of leaking gasoline under pressure.... That cant be safe?

Gasoline/Ox systems are popular in asia i guess. Maybe due to a lack of acetylene?
   / PETROGEN - gasoline/oxy cutting system #20  
If you do a lot of cutting, it would be worth it. I haven't heard anything about anybody welding or brazing with it yet.

If you do a lot of cutting or if you are cutting very thick or difficult multilayer things, this system cannot be beat... cut much thicker than any plasma system.
No you can NOT weld or braze with it...
It is used because gasoline is relatively cheep and universally available... KennyV

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