Ridged Insulation under a steel roof?

   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof?
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Could animal waste play a part in that?
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof?
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Sorry, I lose track of time. I keep thinking that it's still 2000 or so. I somehow thought, you implied it failed prematurly.
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof? #14  
Sorry, I lose track of time. I keep thinking that it's still 2000 or so. I somehow thought, you implied it failed prematurly.

No worries, you have plenty of company in that regard.
Point being, in an unheated dry storage situation I would not think twice about placing roofing steel directly on rigid insulation.
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof?
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It is dry and mostly unihabited, plus virtually never heated. I guess, being better insulated might change that a bit, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Anyone know much about shiplapped SM?
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof? #16  
That bit of insulation will not materially change the temperature but will eliminate condensation due to ambient temperature fluctuations.
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof? #17  
do you mean xps extruded polystyrene? shiplap is just an edge profile that fits with the next sheet. that would not matter in your install.
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof? #18  
do you mean xps extruded polystyrene? shiplap is just an edge profile that fits with the next sheet. that would not matter in your install.

I would use shiplap or T&G profiled rigid panels for the simple reason that they will stay connected and even indefinitely. I can't imagine a downside to using either style.
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof? #19  
Steel sweats like crazy in springtime so make sure you are water tight beneath the deck. I'd recommend spray foaming under the metal if you can. I have an all steel barn and before I insulated it would literally rain inside on those nice humid days after cold nights.

Those guys that tell you it's ok to install a new steel roof overtop an old leaky roof should be tarred and feathered on the spot. Scammers.
   / Ridged Insulation under a steel roof?
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When my shipping container was out in the open, it rained in there too. Actually, my steel wood shed does that. Most annoying.

I hate when evry single thing in the garage/shop is sweating from temperature/dewpoint changes. Happens two or three times a year. Hoping I can control the temeperaure better and easier with insulation.

Contractor should be here soon. thanks for the input.