Tires Say WHAT!!

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Can anyone tell me how many gallons of fluid goes in these tires, 18.4x30? That percentage of the tire do they usually fill?
I'm trying to figure out how bad this is going to hurt @ $8/gal. Thanks.
   / Say WHAT!! #52  
   / Say WHAT!! #53  
$8 per gallon sounds high. I have the same size tires on my M95 and they filled them with washer fluid at less than $1 per gallon. I don't remember how many gallons but I do remember the combined weight of the fluid was just over 1,700 lbs.
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$8 per gallon sounds high. I have the same size tires on my M95 and they filled them with washer fluid at less than $1 per gallon.

Wow yeah if yours was only a dollar then eight sounds criminal! I guess I need to look into just doing it myself.

Are you going to find whatever it was that punctured the tyre , or
run over it again sometime ?

No I think I'll just leave it. It's real fun to spend lots of money on something so stupid. :laughing:

The truth is i was driving between new fence posts with no wire up. (where we had taken out an old fence) So as soon as the wire is up I won't be able to drive over what I assume was a broken off metal post.
   / Say WHAT!! #56  
Its was 130$ for a shop to fill my 18.4 x 34 radial, to do yourself, calcium flakes are cheap, like 8$ per 40 kg bag.