Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts

   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #31  
My brother is the DOT state traffic engineer who, among other things, determines where to put the signs this person on YouTube is complaining about.

Our entire family collectively face palmed.

I think that lady or her relatives moved to my county. We have a lady who thinks that airplane contrails aka Chem Trails are a government plot to poison us and spread cancer. She really believes that and has stated it multiple times. In a public forum. :shocked: Scary thing is she is active in local politics and votes... :rolleyes:

   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #32  
Heard a story on New Hampshire NPR today about a woman in Boston that has opened a high end fashion boutique that sell fur clothing.... Except all the furs are all local roadkill! Honest to God truth. It's a PETA friendly fur shop for rich people.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #33  
I think that lady or her relatives moved to my county. We have a lady who thinks that airplane contrails aka Chem Trails are a government plot to poison us and spread cancer. She really believes that and has stated it multiple times.
I've got a guy at work like that. I wonder if they are related.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #34  
So I'm driving down a country road and see a great buck -- I mean a real Boone and Crocket candidate. I slowed to a crawl and watched him. Then he started to run, making a wide arc across the field and then leaping into the road and sliding/stumbling to the other side, just a few feet in front of my truck.

By way of comparison, I encountered numerous squirrels during the day. They may make a quick zig-zag as you approach, but they always make a dash to the edge of the road.

The point is that it appears squirrels understand the concept of the road and vehicles and their line of travel while deer just never seem to get it. They repeatedly run out in front of cars when it would be easy to just wait until they pass by.

Now I would think that a deer is smarter than a squirrel but their road-relevant behavior would make you wonder. Anyone care to offer a theory or explanation for this?
Deer either have attitude or stupidity manifest. Squirrels are street smart. The only time Iv hit a squirrel is trying the miss it. ... Fouls their avoidance moves.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #35  
So I'm driving down a country road and see a great buck -- I mean a real Boone and Crocket candidate. I slowed to a crawl and watched him. Then he started to run, making a wide arc across the field and then leaping into the road and sliding/stumbling to the other side, just a few feet in front of my truck.

By way of comparison, I encountered numerous squirrels during the day. They may make a quick zig-zag as you approach, but they always make a dash to the edge of the road.

The point is that it appears squirrels understand the concept of the road and vehicles and their line of travel while deer just never seem to get it. They repeatedly run out in front of cars when it would be easy to just wait until they pass by.

Now I would think that a deer is smarter than a squirrel but their road-relevant behavior would make you wonder. Anyone care to offer a theory or explanation for this?
Deer either have attitude or manifest stupidity. Squirrels are street smart. The only time Iv hit a squirrel is trying to miss it. ... Fouls their avoidance moves.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #36  
I was working in former soviet union about 37 years ago. It was time when private cars were unknown things in there so most of the traffic on the road were trucks. We were traveling to another location that was quite far away and it was already dark before we came close to the destination. We were also speeding probably 85 - 90 mph. We caught up with a truck on front of us and few second later we hit a dead horse on the road. The car was totaled and the engine compartment was full of horse hamburger. What happened was some truck hit a horse and killed it. The following trucks just made two tracks in its body and kept driving over it. We hit what was left between the trucks wheels. What a mess.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #37  
as I was driving into town this morning, a state truck was picking up dead deer from along the interstate. They had several in the truck and was picking up another.

The state or the county will sometimes pick up a road kill deer but many times someone picks them up and takes them home. My wife got a really nice 8 point buck years ago. The accident was about five minutes from the house. In the time it took for me to get to the scene, someone had already stopped asking if they could have the deer. The deer was still alive at that point but just barely. When I was standing there another guy came by and we let him take the deer.

Taking the goods to school the other day we saw cars all over the place with more pulling over. One of the cars hit a deer which ran to the other side of the road. One car had stopped to help the car that hit the deer. The other car was stopping to pick up the road kill. That deer was likely still breathing. Makes sense, fresh road kill is the best. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #38  
The state or the county will sometimes pick up a road kill deer but many times someone picks them up and takes them home. My wife got a really nice 8 point buck years ago. The accident was about five minutes from the house. In the time it took for me to get to the scene, someone had already stopped asking if they could have the deer. The deer was still alive at that point but just barely. When I was standing there another guy came by and we let him take the deer.

Taking the goods to school the other day we saw cars all over the place with more pulling over. One of the cars hit a deer which ran to the other side of the road. One car had stopped to help the car that hit the deer. The other car was stopping to pick up the road kill. That deer was likely still breathing. Makes sense, fresh road kill is the best. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

AND free! No hunting license required.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #39  
In Iowa, if you get caught transporting a deer, road kill or not, you will get a very hefty fine. But we can get road kill deer by just asking the county sheriff. He will put our name on a list and the name on the list gets first chance to it.
   / Squirrels vs Deer -- road warrior smarts #40  
Up here in Ontario IF you run over a Deer or Moose and don't call the cops and they find out about it you can be charged with leaving the scene of an accident. I think what they worry about is someone else coming along and loosing control trying to avoid the carcass and killing themselves or somebody else. I think that is the reasoning, but I am not sure.