Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,841  
Close the lid, folks. If you were ever offered an actual visual of the way fecal bacteria literally explodes out of the toilet when flushed, in the same room where you maybe even store your toothbrush, you would never leave a lid open ever again. :oops:

But don't believe me, look it up!
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,842  
Close the lid, folks. If you were ever offered an actual visual of the way fecal bacteria literally explodes out of the toilet when flushed, in the same room where you maybe even store your toothbrush, you would never leave a lid open ever again. :oops:

But don't believe me, look it up!
When I was a kid, my father and younger brother were messing around and somehow my brother ended up in the toilet.
I've put the seat down ever since.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,843  
Lid down is a deterrent to sewer rats… don’t ask me how I know.

Yet most public toilets have no lid?
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,845  
Once viewed as a quick, affordable meal, fast food is increasingly seen as a luxury by many Americans due to rising menu prices, according to a new LendingTree survey.

The financial advice website recently asked more than 2,000 adults how they feel about -and how often they eat- fast food.

Nearly 8 in 10 said they now view fast food as a “luxury,” and 62% said they are eating it less often because prices have gone up, the survey found.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,846  
Once viewed as a quick, affordable meal, fast food is increasingly seen as a luxury by many Americans due to rising menu prices, according to a new LendingTree survey.

The financial advice website recently asked more than 2,000 adults how they feel about -and how often they eat- fast food.

Nearly 8 in 10 said they now view fast food as a “luxury,” and 62% said they are eating it less often because prices have gone up, the survey found.
I'm not a big fast food eater (all appearances aside) but I did like the occasional burger, pizza or sub.
Maybe if I was still working I'd have it more often as apposed to cooking myself.
However I'm fairly frugal and the prices are stupid.
For the price of a Big Mac meal, aboot $15 here, I'll make my own.
Last week a local store had roasts on for $6 a lb. I put them through my Lem grinder and I know exactly what I'm eating. Not the collection of eyes, ears, lips and a--holes in commercial burgers.
For the cost of 2 meals I can make a very nice roast that will last several meals with all the trimming.
I can buy a 50lb sack of taters for $18. Around here a medium order of fries is $4+. Less than a large potato that costs pennies.
Prepared chicken wings locally are $12-14/lb and more. Last time I ordered 4lbs. Got home and put them on the scale, there was just under 3lbs.
I just bought some very nice fresh ones at the local butcher for $3.50. Air fryer, butter and Frank's, EXCELLENT!
I had a coupon for BurgerKing.
Picture in the ad always looks perfect.
Reality is a mess.
Lettuce was brown, had to take two bites to get to the mini piece of tomato and the blob of mayo was enough for 10 burgers.
Yeah! I'm going to overpay for that.
Here in Kanuckistan Tim Horton's is the big deal.
The coffee is horrible and the Dognuts are a sad reminder of what used to be.
The corporation is so preoccupied on covering the whole fast food world, even introducing pizza recently they forgot what brought them to the dance to begin with, a good coffee and a fresh generous pastry at a reasonable price.
So no fast food for me.
It's not like I'm cash poor, I just don't like getting ripped of.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,848  
I'm not a big fast food eater (all appearances aside) but I did like the occasional burger, pizza or sub.
Maybe if I was still working I'd have it more often as apposed to cooking myself.
However I'm fairly frugal and the prices are stupid.
For the price of a Big Mac meal, aboot $15 here, I'll make my own.
Last week a local store had roasts on for $6 a lb. I put them through my Lem grinder and I know exactly what I'm eating. Not the collection of eyes, ears, lips and a--holes in commercial burgers.
For the cost of 2 meals I can make a very nice roast that will last several meals with all the trimming.
I can buy a 50lb sack of taters for $18. Around here a medium order of fries is $4+. Less than a large potato that costs pennies.
Prepared chicken wings locally are $12-14/lb and more. Last time I ordered 4lbs. Got home and put them on the scale, there was just under 3lbs.
I just bought some very nice fresh ones at the local butcher for $3.50. Air fryer, butter and Frank's, EXCELLENT!
I had a coupon for BurgerKing.
Picture in the ad always looks perfect.
Reality is a mess.
Lettuce was brown, had to take two bites to get to the mini piece of tomato and the blob of mayo was enough for 10 burgers.
Yeah! I'm going to overpay for that.
Here in Kanuckistan Tim Horton's is the big deal.
The coffee is horrible and the Dognuts are a sad reminder of what used to be.
The corporation is so preoccupied on covering the whole fast food world, even introducing pizza recently they forgot what brought them to the dance to begin with, a good coffee and a fresh generous pastry at a reasonable price.
So no fast food for me.
It's not like I'm cash poor, I just don't like getting ripped of.

100% agree

Coffee taste is a weird things, I used to like Tim Horton's coffee, then I moved town and all they had was a Robin's donuts holy I couldn't stand Time Horton's when I got back to one.... Now it doesn't matter how many times I try Starbucks coffee I can't stand it even if it was free... and it is far from being free, talk about getting ripped off going in there. One time I got a pay raise and calculated that I was making a extra $10 a day with that raise and I was like wow nice raise... then I realize I was spending that at the Tim Horton's every day (coffee and a sandwich every morning) so I stop going there then just like that I was making a extra $20 a day...
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #8,849  
Any direction from work is fast food…

I know some of the managers since I sometimes order for staff or Doctors.

The single working guy still comes in but the families not so much… at $16-18 a combo it no longer pencils out for many.