This place controls just like google does.

   / This place controls just like google does. #61  
My understanding the word LOVE means when you
use it has a meaning like I love my wife she can love
me back but when you say I love my tractor can your
tractor love you??? I would think the word LOVE means
some one can love you but a piece of wood can't love you
but it can be a nice or great or wonderful piece of wood.
An old timer told me that many many moons ago

And I totally agree with you. My Mom taught me that. "You can only truly something that can love you back".
   / This place controls just like google does. #64  
Way down in the definition of 'love' there's something about affection for a thing or activity....

For example:

her love of the theatre or his love of books.

At my old job, I spent about 30 years working on various generations of laser typesetters. Honest to goodness, I loved those machines. It was weird. 🤣 When they outsourced production and let us all go, and I knew they were heading for the scrap heap, and it was my last night on the 30 year job, I gave them a final touch for a few moments, ran my hands across the joints and seams and control panels, and shed some tears as I turned out the lights and walked away.

I think it was because the machines were so logically thought out before they were constructed, worked almost flawlessly for years, pumped out production, and could be counted on way more than the humans to just do their job and not complain. Plus, they fed my family, gave me a couple houses, 20 acres of land, and put my kids through school. They were works of art, and I miss them. ;)
   / This place controls just like google does. #65  
I just can't...... <sigh>

Maybe 'customers' was an incorrect, but accurate, word to use.

CBS, NBC, ABC as well as many more TV Networks don't charge for you to turn the TV screen on and watch them.

But let their 'viewership' go down to zero and see how long they stay in business.

Why do you think that is??
yeah I am with you on that one I was going to say it earlier on about the ''guess'' thing but decided to let it go.... lets face it a house without guess its still a house with its owner but a bar without its customer is just a empty building ... what make TBN, TBN its its members '' customer'' without it there is no point to the site. Sure they can kick me out but they can't kick us all out without closing the site or if they kick all of us out there is no longer a site.
   / This place controls just like google does. #66  
I know, it's a tractor place. So why are all the other BS subjects allowed? Windows in a house, shock fence for dogs, trespassers, etc.... Soon as a subject like fuel, which every tractor uses, comments closed.
We enjoy the variety of subjects, for the most part...
Nice thing about TBN...if you don't like a thread...then don't read it
   / This place controls just like google does. #67  
   / This place controls just like google does. #68  
And that's a good thing, right?

Totally agree that words have lost their meaning. Words like 'awesome' and 'hero' and 'truth' have pretty much lost any meaning at all. And that's a loss that is bigger than most people understand. But, the word 'love' has always had a very broad range of meaning and at least among English speaking people most understand that "I love cheesecake" has a very different meaning from "I love my child" or "God is love".

That's unfortunate in this case. For a number of reasons. First, collectively the information here is generally better 'information' than I find elsewhere. There is a HUGE difference between information and good information. Second, there are names here that I have known for 17 years. I won't claim to 'know' any of the people behind them. But I do know who I can trust. I know how to take the way some of them respond to @Egon...who, I think, get's tired of my bluster. I know how to differentiate sarcasm from seriousness with these folks. I understand the sometime subtle and sometimes not so subtle humor of these guys. I know how to differentiate good natured ribbing from an insult. And if it is an insult I know it was probably deserved. There is value in all that. Not just social but practical.

And I know of only two other forums where I find this sort of value. I know scores of them where none of it applies and I frequent them ONLY when I need info I can't get anywhere else.

But lastly, I kind of don't believe you. You are here a lot. Is that just a love of information? ;-)
Being retired and in as much as it's winter here and all my farm equipment has been serviced, I have time to kill, so I stop by. Once spring rolls around I'll be here a lot less. This forum and others are a diversion from being bored.
   / This place controls just like google does. #69  
Personally I like following threads that start with something and end up going down a completely different path. I enjoy reading about other folks somewhat like-minded personal experiences/ and knowledge with a host of different things besides tractors. But tractor threads are my favorite it's encouraging to see I'm not the only one with a particular issues.
Yeah, I like how topics sometimes go off the rails. Like the one about windows. One guy kept arguing that Linux was better. It took 38 threads to convince him that we weren't talking about that kind of windows. :ROFLMAO:
   / This place controls just like google does. #70  
If anyone thinks the price of lumber is high
check the price for windows house type that
is. Also the foam insulation sure took a jump!
I checked the lumber company the other day
chip board is $14 1/2X4X8 sheet. What hasn't
jumped up in price????
