Tipping etiquette...what would you do?

   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #153  
Wow, this thread took a wrong turn all of a sudden! :thumbdown:
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #155  
Springs1.......on the grand slams at age 19 or 20(I am 38yrs old now).[/QUOTE said:
Wow, 38 and you still have not learned how to carry on a civil conversation.
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #156  
So when is this thread going to the back porch like the EPA one must have gone?
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #157  
Coming soon to a McDonald's near you.


From What self-serve kiosks at McDonald's mean for cashiers - Business Insider


Walt Disney World has been implementing systems that allow the customer to order their own food. They have a touch screen menu system that allows people to pick what food they want. After the order is placed, you wait for the food and the go to a cashier to pay. It is faster, more accurate, and of course WDW saves a bunch of money on labor costs.

They could have the customer pay at the touch menu but they have refridgerated items that can be picked up after the order. Not sure why they don't have these items on the menu system and just have those item's delivered with the rest of the food... Very few people pay with cash since they are charging to their room or paying by credit card.

   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do?
  • Thread Starter
Zombie Thread - Arise!!!!

Just to offer (a bit) of conclusion - we returned to this same restaurant this past weekend. We had not intended to be in the area at lunch time, so I didn't have my email correspondence handy (although I was going to try to dig it up on my phone). Anyway, when we were being seated by the hostess, I asked to speak to the manager, and she said "sure thing". In just a minute, the manager appeared (and I was messing with my phone trying to call up my old emails) and I introduced myself. He remembered our conversation (specifically about the sandwich and mayo on the side) and also remembered that he had sent a coupon for an appetizer. At that point, he said "Don't worry about the coupon - let me know what you want and I'll put the order in right now." While he was still there, our server appeared and we talked about what had happened (this was a different server as well).

To make a long story short, my wife and I ordered our sandwich (mayo on the side) and two orders of fries. We got our appetizer, entrees in drinks in timely fashion. The order was correct (mayo on the side) and the manager stopped by as we were finishing up to ask if everything was okay (which it was). The appetizer was indeed free, so I was very satisfied.

Now, the big question is: the next time we go to the restaurant, and I'm just another joe-schmoe customer - will the order be right? At this point, I feel that they have earned the opportunity for me to find out (again, stressing that while I'm not in love with this restaurant, both my wife and son really like it).

Hope this brings this thread to some sort of conclusion, good or bad. Thanks for all the comments along the way.

Good luck and take care.
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #159  
My wife and daughter love a certain chain restaurant that serves italian fare. My wife always orders a particular sauce on her pasta, plain tomato - not the marinara sauce that comes with it. They screw it up 99% of the time. My wife complains, gets a free meal the next time they go. This has been going on for 12 YEARS. I can't stand it - it's like being trapped in the groundhog day movie. It's a never ending cycle. When I go with them, I know ahead of time what is going to happen. I even warn the server "don't let the kitchen screw up the sauce". Of course, they always do. Then they get a coupon for free meal. What is the definition of insanity?