Tipping etiquette...what would you do?

   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #161  
My wife and daughter love a certain chain restaurant that serves italian fare. My wife always orders a particular sauce on her pasta, plain tomato - not the marinara sauce that comes with it. They screw it up 99% of the time. My wife complains, gets a free meal the next time they go. This has been going on for 12 YEARS. I can't stand it - it's like being trapped in the groundhog day movie. It's a never ending cycle. When I go with them, I know ahead of time what is going to happen. I even warn the server "don't let the kitchen screw up the sauce". Of course, they always do. Then they get a coupon for free meal. What is the definition of insanity?

Does she eat the spaghetti with the wrong sauce? That could be a pretty good gig - "Oh, waitress - I'll eat this if you give it to me free (so it doesn't have to be thrown away) and if you give me a coupon for a free meal next time I'm in." So, she gets a free meal and you use the coupon from the last time it was screwed up to pay for your meal - so you both eat free every time you go to that restaurant!! Brilliant!!
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #162  
Does she eat the spaghetti with the wrong sauce? That could be a pretty good gig - "Oh, waitress - I'll eat this if you give it to me free (so it doesn't have to be thrown away) and if you give me a coupon for a free meal next time I'm in." So, she gets a free meal and you use the coupon from the last time it was screwed up to pay for your meal - so you both eat free every time you go to that restaurant!! Brilliant!!

Nah, she doesn't even let the plate hit the table - she can spot marinara a mile away. "all those big chunky things in it". She scopes it out when the server comes over and sends it back right away and asks for the manager. If I'm there I can't help an "I warned you" to the server. So then I'm faced with eating my dinner hot while my wife sits there hungry or letting my dinner get cold while we wait for her replacement meal and the all too familiar "free meal" coupon. It's a no win situation. I cringe when she says that's where she wants to go for dinner.
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #163  
pretty sad that it happens OFTEN...
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #164  
When I order my breakfast, I ALWAYS order 2 soft poached eggs and a double order of white toast and coffee. (That should be 4 slices of toast and I tell the server that.) NO potatoes/home fries/whatever else you want to call fried potatoes. After 2 or 3 times correcting, I just sweep the potatoes onto the table (If I am in a good mood or if in a rotten mood then onto the floor.) They get the message, eventually. IF I get the meal the way I order it, then there is always a $2.oo tip even if the eggs come hard rather than soft.
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #165  
When I order my breakfast, I ALWAYS order 2 soft poached eggs and a double order of white toast and coffee. (That should be 4 slices of toast and I tell the server that.) NO potatoes/home fries/whatever else you want to call fried potatoes. After 2 or 3 times correcting, I just sweep the potatoes onto the table (If I am in a good mood or if in a rotten mood then onto the floor.) They get the message, eventually. IF I get the meal the way I order it, then there is always a $2.oo tip even if the eggs come hard rather than soft.

I love potatoes! I've been known to fork stab family members trying to swipe them off my plate........
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #166  
When I order my breakfast, I ALWAYS order 2 soft poached eggs and a double order of white toast and coffee. (That should be 4 slices of toast and I tell the server that.) NO potatoes/home fries/whatever else you want to call fried potatoes. After 2 or 3 times correcting, I just sweep the potatoes onto the table (If I am in a good mood or if in a rotten mood then onto the floor.) They get the message, eventually. IF I get the meal the way I order it, then there is always a $2.oo tip even if the eggs come hard rather than soft.

I know a few places that if you tried that they'd sweep you onto the floor, drag you out to the parking lot, kick you in the seat of the pants a couple times, then put the eggs in your pocket and call it a "to go" order. And that's just the waitress... :rolleyes:
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #167  
I know a few places that if you tried that they'd sweep you onto the floor, drag you out to the parking lot, kick you in the seat of the pants a couple times, then put the eggs in your pocket and call it a "to go" order. And that's just the waitress... :rolleyes:

The proper response is to hand it back to the waiter and explain it is not what you ordered.
   / Tipping etiquette...what would you do? #170  
I know a few places that if you tried that they'd sweep you onto the floor, drag you out to the parking lot, kick you in the seat of the pants a couple times, then put the eggs in your pocket and call it a "to go" order. And that's just the waitress... :rolleyes:

That's funny!