What have you done to your Branson today?

   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,031  
Branson Bob-you say 12" spikes? I built our home in 1979-80 using 3/8 x 12" spikes (they are a common nail style) which was common practice for stack log homes back then. I pre-drilled mine with a 5/16 bit, beat them in with a 6#, short handled sledge.
Since then I've used pole barn spikes a few times in my post-frame farm buildings. They are strong but can be cantankerous too. They are also very hard and eyes can be damaged easily, plus they are pricey and ask to be beat on in awkward positions.
In my current off-grid cabin build I'll use the now commonly found timber screws. They are stronger and with better holding power while also easier to drive via hex heads or Torx/star drive using cordless tools or high torque corded drivers. Zero pre-drilling, don't break, seriously strong and fast to drive.
Prices vary a lot. Avoid low quality Asian ones on the market.
Know that box store prices are too high unless you only need a handful. My source is Corr-Tenn in Knoxville, TN. Ask for the log & timber frame sales guy.
12" spikes and large nails are long gone from building trades for log home and timber frame builders. Torx drive timber screws rule the day. Spax is a VG brand but can be pricey not bought where it's best pricing.
Spring? :rolleyes: it came a month ago here then left the state of KY, snowing today, soon it'll be really hot.

Great stuff... thanks!

Yes the spikes are cantankerous.

After I drill the pilot hole I spray both the hole and the spike with WD40 lithium grease spray and it probably takes about 40 blows to set the nails completely... two hands on the single jack. Also the spikes cost 75 cents each.

I'll definitely check out the timber screws.

Thanks for the tip.

   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,032  
FWIW, I can run a 8 or 9" timber screw into a heavy oak beam with a Dewalt cordless driver and a Torx bit. No pre-drilling, no beating, no lube jobs and seriously strong.
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,033  
I used mine to wreck my driveway today.

Lol. The snow storm we got (and technically still happening, but very little snow now) dumped over 2 feet of very wet and heavy snow on us. 3 and 4 foot drifts. Makes matters worse that the ground was warm enough that there was a nice layer of mud underneath the snow. I managed to turn that into a bloody mess. Couldn't get the bucket with Edge Tamers to get under the surface of the wet packed snow, and flipped around to use the box blade, which then happily dug it's way to China in my gravel (mostly dirt) driveway. Sigh. Much frustration and blue words were uttered. Finally hung my head in shame and put it away. Driveway looks terrible, but technically it's "plowed". I'm sure I'll have a bunch more gravel and dirt to rake out of my grass when this all melts off and dries out.

So how was everyone else's week?

   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,034  
Here the rains have subsided and things may actually dry out a bit, sure hope so muddy mess right now.
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,035  
I used mine to wreck my driveway today.

Lol. The snow storm we got (and technically still happening, but very little snow now) dumped over 2 feet of very wet and heavy snow on us. 3 and 4 foot drifts. Makes matters worse that the ground was warm enough that there was a nice layer of mud underneath the snow. I managed to turn that into a bloody mess. Couldn't get the bucket with Edge Tamers to get under the surface of the wet packed snow, and flipped around to use the box blade, which then happily dug it's way to China in my gravel (mostly dirt) driveway. Sigh. Much frustration and blue words were uttered. Finally hung my head in shame and put it away. Driveway looks terrible, but technically it's "plowed". I'm sure I'll have a bunch more gravel and dirt to rake out of my grass when this all melts off and dries out.

So how was everyone else's week?


Sorry to hear about the mess Slim.

You know it's funny... you reach an age where you consider yourself a "competent person" and feel like the days of dumb mistakes and mishandling situations are behind you.

And then you have one of those days...

Glad it's repairable.
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,036  
I hauled my tractor to the remote propriety two weeks ago, in hopes I could mow the brush before it got too tall (which it is already) but that plan got delayed by weather and this week a local contractor brought me an track idler from a Kubota U45 to fix in a hurry, so I had to rearrange the plans again but no big deal as it was a paying job.

Good thing is that I put up a metal building on this propriety last summer and now I can just leave the tractor there and work there whenever time allows.
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,037  
We have had snow everyday for the last 5 days. We got 4 or 5 inches the first day. It is warm enough and windy enough that most of it melted within a day, but at the same time we keep getting new snow. Right now it is snowing and blowing like crazy. This is Mid April and this ain't supposed to happen around here. Fortunately the weather forecast says that things will be getting back to normal. Fortunately I got my first round of spring mowing done the day it started snowing and actually finished mowing in a heavy snowstorm.
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,038  
I used mine to wreck my driveway today.

Lol. The snow storm we got (and technically still happening, but very little snow now) dumped over 2 feet of very wet and heavy snow on us. 3 and 4 foot drifts. Makes matters worse that the ground was warm enough that there was a nice layer of mud underneath the snow. I managed to turn that into a bloody mess. Couldn't get the bucket with Edge Tamers to get under the surface of the wet packed snow, and flipped around to use the box blade, which then happily dug it's way to China in my gravel (mostly dirt) driveway. Sigh. Much frustration and blue words were uttered. Finally hung my head in shame and put it away. Driveway looks terrible, but technically it's "plowed". I'm sure I'll have a bunch more gravel and dirt to rake out of my grass when this all melts off and dries out.

So how was everyone else's week?

What I heard was you played with your tractor and set yourself up with more chances to play with it again. :)
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,039  
It was clear and sunny here yesterday, now again today it's winter blizzard, white out and snow drifting everywhere. Don't know how much snow we have so far, but it's drifting well over a foot in certain places. So yeah, I'll be out there again either this evening if the wind dies down, or early morning so we can get to work.

ND had most of the highways open by mid day yesterday. We'll see how many are open in the morning.
   / What have you done to your Branson today? #1,040  
It was clear and sunny here yesterday, now again today it's winter blizzard, white out and snow drifting everywhere. Don't know how much snow we have so far, but it's drifting well over a foot in certain places. So yeah, I'll be out there again either this evening if the wind dies down, or early morning so we can get to work.

ND had most of the highways open by mid day yesterday. We'll see how many are open in the morning.
Hope it is nicer in a week or two. It is Branding season in the Black Hills.